Do You Really Believe in Wealthy Affiliate?

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Ever felt like giving up on your dreams? You’re not alone.

Before landing at the Wealthy Affiliate doorstep, I truly wanted to build an online business. I tried several, interesting programs that went nowhere but into my pocket. What drew me in was the community, the training, and the simple fact that whenever I got stuck, I could simply ask. I am an online vet, with ZERO experience in affiliate marketing and community building.

When I wrote, "I'm 62 and Can't Retire - YET" I laid out my 5-year plan. I will have a successful online business generating passive income to supplement my retirement income. Many of you who follow me, know that I give the man 60+ hours a week, just to survive and put a roof over my head and food in my belly.

I saw it said on a beautiful profile, I am "impecunious". Look it up I did! I believe that everyone who comes to create an online business is. We have a dream, a passion, a desire to be better. We believe in ourselves. We will have a whatever it takes mentality. Unfortunately, frustration will set in.

Doubt talks in your ear, "Are you sure about this"? Your technical acumen sucks. You have attempted to get through this technical issue with your images for the last 4 days, give up!


Time for me to move on?

A person has posted that he is frustrated and wants to quit. Time for me to move on? Did you notice the question mark? He really doesn't want to leave. Read into the post.

He is talking about leaving Wealthy Affiliate? I saw the question mark. Am I missing something? I see a person needing a helping hand, drowning in a teaspoon of water. I have seen it millions of times before in many other opportunities. It was me for the longest time. Frustration, impatience, and an F this, attitude that becomes overwhelming. I will never be a great salesman. Hell, I had just started. I watched, listened, read, and pretty much devoured anything and everything to help me get ahead. If you haven't noticed, I still do.

I was asked in an interview a while back, what is your biggest weakness? My biggest weakness is believing that everyone deserves an opportunity, some even a second or third chance.

I will work with struggling team members until they flat-out turn into the Michael Jordans of the industry. I always think that if I can do it, so can you. I have been a member of several Million Dollar Sales Clubs. Does it take time? Yes. Rome was not built in a day. Is it easy? No! Who do you know that is making $100,000 a month? Was this an overnight success? Hardly!

So I ask you, what would you do for one million dollars a year? No, seriously. How many lawyers chase ambulances for a living? How many Emergency Service Coordinators chase firetrucks? Both are upwards of $350,000 to unlimited potential. Do they want to do it? Not really, but the opportunity to get somewhere else exists by doing it.

If I showed you that you could start making $1,000,000 at the end of 5 years IF you applied yourself every day, 361 days a year (you get Christmas, the day after, and New Year's Eve and New Year's off). Would you sign up?


Go back to the question that was asked in the form of a statement.

Time for me to move on?
Unfortunately, I do not see a way going forward. I do not like the way WordPress deals with featured images. I do not like having a blog roll home page I cannot edit. ... I want to be realistic and realize that I have hit a roadblock and I don't know how to get beyond this.

Does this sound like someone wanting to quit?

Instead of seeing the problem, everyone who was commenting on this post was tossing dirt on him and showing him the door. I thought it odd. We have a very helpful community, or so I thought.

One of my superpowers is being able to sell. Yes, I can sell snow to the Eskimos, or a huge V-8 Ford Truck to a person coming to get something economical for his on-the-road sales gig. It is because I have learned to listen and observe. I am always looking to follow true talent and a passionate belief.

I am here because I believe in what I am doing. Do you believe in this opportunity or not?

The way I see it, if you are promoting WA, then you would take it personally when a frustrated individual says "I Quit!" Imagine an acquaintance of yours says "I can't take this life anymore, I want to end it." Would you pass that person the fentanyl or see if you could get them to reconsider?

I believe that success in Affiliate Marketing is life-changing. I will be successful and I will bring as many people along as are willing to follow. My route will be circuitous, it won't be direct. But I will get there.

If you’re feeling stuck, or losing faith, don’t hesitate to ask for help. We’re all in this together.



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Recent Comments


Gotta put in the work so that you can believe it's getting you closer. I don't have exactly what I want, but it's getting me closer. What I'm learning here get's me closer to my goal. What you learn here allows you to be successful elsewhere. It's not just about WA. Transformation is upon you if you stick with WA. Keep working, keep believing'!

You do have to put the work in, that is a given. But when you are hitting your head against the wall, are you going to quit or ask for assistance?

As a community, we really should be helping each other move forward. The knowledge of the collective is greater than the knowledge of one.

Imagine if we all sat in one room, shared our ideas, and helped each other move forward. Where could we be in 6 months or a year?

Yes, we are going at this alone, but why not mentor each other along the way? Time is always going to be an excuse.

Jay's Friday nights are awesome in this respect. I rarely get a chance to sit in on them. But do go back after the fact.

Money Follows Mastery -> What Have You Mastered?

I am responsible for my own results.

I totally agree!

Support is "We The People"... You are a solopreneur until you are not.

I know certain facts about Wealthy Affiliate, Mr. Don.


Don't we all?

Yes. However. knowing helps you to grow instead of believing.


Knowledge is Power! The more you know...

So my friend you know what I'm talking about, Mr. Don.

Peace and love always,

I do, there is more than one way to skin a cat.

I may have mentioned on more than one occasion, that I am quick to follow talent wherever I may find it.

BTW, Comment on my Social Challenge Prompt!


MrDon - I am not fooling myself by thinking that we are all in this together.

Some care to help others and there are those who do not care at all.

Do I want to elaborate by providing proof?

I would rather not do so.

You're right in saying that knowledge from the collective is better than the knowledge of one.

For too long, I am rowing this canoe painfully alone. I do not even have the strength to chase after money even if it was right in from of me.


I haven't mastered the art of affiliate marketing as yet.

If I followed a process for 361 days with an opportunity for 1 million legal dollars, I would accept the challenge.

Maxine :)

"I am not fooling myself by thinking that we are all in this together."

You know, that was part of the point. Why aren't we? You know things that I do not, I know things that you do not, ditto to others who are part of the collective.

We all want success, why are we not rowing together?


Honestly, I don't know, MrDon.


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