Pbj time

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Hello everyone!

I have noticed everyone has been posting "How To Posts" and I am feeling kinda left out. So in the interest of fitting in with the Big Boys and Girls, here goes!!!!

Here's How To Make A Peanut Butter And Jelly Sandwich:

First, get two slices of bread. You can use any type of bread you like - white, wheat, or even something fancier.

Next, grab a knife and the jars of peanut butter and jelly. Unscrew the lids and set them aside. Try to unscrew them one at a time, I have tried both at the same time once and it ended in disaster.

Take one slice of bread and use the knife to spread a layer of peanut butter evenly across it. Don't spread it too thick or too thin - just a nice, even coating.

Now, do the same thing with the jelly on the other slice of bread. Again, spread it evenly without going overboard.

Once both slices have their toppings, carefully put them together - the peanut butter side and the jelly side facing each other. Press down gently to seal the sandwich.

Finally, you can cut the sandwich in half if you'd like. Some people prefer triangles while others like rectangles. It's up to you!

And that's it - you've made a classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich! Enjoy this tasty treat. Maybe have some milk or juice to go with it.

PROTIP- Some enjoy crustless sandwiches and to learn "How To Make A PB&J Without Crust" you will need to join me for Class #2 of this 5 part series!

Thank You For Your Attention

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Recent Comments


I appreciate the Simple Directions for a Simple Product~!
And I would imagine there are some people in the world who can't make this thrifty, and tastey treat from my first Betty Crocker Cookbook!
Thanks for sharing,

Thank you Sami! I glad you enjoyed it! :)

Sounds absolutely disgusting to me Michael, but I do believe you have most angles covered here!!!

But... you could certainly go after the long tail here...

How about adding some fresh slices of grilled ribeye straight from the barbie, a bit of creamy peppercorn sauce, some grilled red onions, discard the filth you mentioned and serve within some nice freshly warmed tortillas??

Or am I going toooo far here???


Great insight, but I fear what you are describing is a fajita and that is the next class scheduled for June! lol

Have a Good day!


Don't believe your wrong there my friend!!

I absolutely love Fajitas!!

In fact, I am just about to pick one up which is custom made to my liking!!

After that... my day will be done and dusted!!

Enjoy the rest of yours buddy!!


You as well and enjoy the fajita!

Much appreciated my friend and I did indeed!!

I believe you covered everything! 🤣🤣🤣

Tim 🎼

It was my contribution to the world! lol


Exactly the reaction I expected!

I didn't realise you could buy crustless bread, so I'm going to bypass class #2 but great first lesson ;)

Glad you enjoyed it and found value! :)

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