Meeting the New Squidoo Filter


If you have been hit by the filter already and have flagged lenses -- or if you are a Giant Squid anxiously awaiting next week, let's create a plan of action. I have already dealt with over 50 flagged lenses in my niche accounts this past few weeks, and I now have a system that Is working well for me. So I decided to share it here!
1. The goal is to get rid of all the flags. Period.
2. Click on each flagged lens, give it 5 minutes of updates, republish. Whether it publishes or not, go on to the next one. Many will republish with just a small change or two. Others seem to catch that filter over and over. I refuse to spend time on one, when I could be saving 5 others in the same amount of time.
3. When you have completed the easy ones, and have green lights on those, then go back and tackle the tough ones.

There are just 3 decisions to make.
1. Fix it.
2. Save it to your computer for reposting later somewhere.
3. Last resort - delete it.

Yesterday I had one that refused to publish over and over. I had done everything I could do. I thought. Then I remembered that my sister told me she had one publish after she added the My New Lenses module. I did that, it published, and is now green. Amazing to me. The filter is a bit quirky. to say the least.

so a quickie list to try first - try to publish after each change. No point in changing things that do not have to be changed.
1. Add a My Lenses module
2. Be sure you have at least 1 or 2 Squidoo Amazon modules. Your Amazon modules should outnumber your personal affiliate modules -- I think. This is not written in stone anywhere, but it appears to work that way.
3. Check your 100% scale. Be sure you have basics-- topics, bio, etc
4. Change repetitive words. If you are talking about rings, you can use "jewelry for your hands" or some other phrase instead of the word "ring".
5. Remove any sales modules that do not have a paragraph or add a paragraph.
6. Reminder - republish after every change. This is so important. sometimes one added sentence will make the difference.

Here's hoping this time next week, all our lenses will be green or saved for later!!

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Well thanks Moonvine for the warning, and I hope you'll alert us all in the future when it changes so we can give it a try. I feel bad that Squidoo has become a "perilous place."
Where will you go now?--if you're willing to share. You are an opportunity for well-earned knowledge. Thanks a bunch.

Squidoo will settle down in a month or so and return to being its wonderful self. I will still be updating my content there and keeping up in the community, but it is time for me to branch out. who wants 1000 lenses? lol I am here to learn more about wordpress, develop 5 niche blogs, and improve my streams of income. make sense? I write on webnuggetz and blogs and I am going to try sirgo this year and I am in the process of learning how to use Weebly. so I am all over the place, but will be focused on the blogs for now. I think Squidoo will always be a piece of my internet life. I have so many precious friends there!

and I have a dear sister, daughter and daughter-in-law on Squidoo!! And will soon be teaching a friend too. :)

Hi Moonvine, I have not risked any lenses, so I am copying this for the file I've been collecting since PotPieGirl touted Squidoo years ago. Thanks for future help.

Thank you, +Shields! I do think in the future, Squidoo filters will catch on the errors from the beginning. These are things they should have had in place years ago. Things got out of hand, and they had to get rid of the spammers. The problem is, the filter is kinda wonky, and it's catching the good guys along with the bad guys!! Squidoo has been mighty nice home for me for many years. Right now, it's just a perilous place to be for everybody! :)

Thank you! These are great tips. So far, I have been spared any yellow flags. But, the day is young.

Thank you, Meredithlonestar! I am learning that the filter is constantly changing and often running. I hope you continue to be spared these dreaded flags!

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