We Are Our Own Worst Enemy

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Just some Food for Thought...

Overthinking can paralyze decision-making. When faced with too many options or excessive analysis, action stalls and production ceases. Making us our own worst enemy.

This habit clouds judgment and wastes time. Decision-makers must trust their instincts and rely on data. The most simple solution is often the best.

Move forward with informed confidence rather than getting stuck in endless deliberation.

Understand that no decision is perfect. We all make mistakes. I excel in this and find I learn from it!

The risk of inaction often outweighs the potential downsides of a timely choice. So don't waste too much time, act on instinct and if your choice was incorrect, then change your approach to the solution to the problem.

By recognizing the signs of overthinking, we can streamline our processes and enhance productivity.

It's about balancing thought with decisive action to drive results.

Just something to think about.


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Your message is clear, but for me to be clear as well, as one who struggles with impulse control, I must be careful about under-thinking.

I've made too many costly mistakes in my life by jumping the gun about key decisions.

One of them involved a marriage-my second one. Nuff said about that. :-)

It's not to say you're wrong in what you said. You're exactly right.

However, there is a sweet-spot that is known as balance between under-thinking (impulse) and over-thinking (excuses and procrastination).

For me, when I find myself in a potential over-thinking situation/dilemma, I find it best to step away and maybe sleep on it. More often than not, the answer usually comes to me pretty clearly later.

On the other hand, I've had to learn not to pull the trigger too quickly almost as often. The same solution seems to work. Step away, breathe, maybe sleep on it. More often than not, I see more clealy a little later.

Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

The ever-elusive sweet spot is tough to find at times. For me, wasting time on the small thing up to this point has haunted me. I have wasted time that could have been spent elsewhere.

To each his own is a great way to explain. This method just happens to work for me. I do appreciate your insight.

Have a Great Day!


Wasting time on the small things is an issue unto itself and I agree with you 100% when it comes to that.

Although, that begs the question, what is the small stuff?

For me, it means, what are the consequences, if any, if I make the "wrong" decision?

For example, if I find myself ruminating about what to wear-this shirt or that shirt, I'll flip a coin-done deal.

However, I do have a tendency to overthink that too.

I narrow my decision to a yes or no answer.

I flip the coin. It doesn't matter if it's heads or tails. I then flip it again. If it comes up the same as the first flip, that means yes. If it comes up different, that means no.

No Mulligans or second chances. I move on and live with the decision.


I hope you have a great day too.


My mother instilled a crippling perfectionism in me, and it took me decades to overcome it. Now I do not (very often) feel like my own worst enemy. When I am I just sit down quietly and ask myself just what story I am telling myself. Once I have been honest abut that it is fairly easy to reframe

I have wasted countless hours worrying about the simplest things and ended up going with my first instinct. To combat this, I have adopted the act now approach. It seems to be working for me so far.

Any approach that works, is a great approach in my book. Age is a great leveller it takes a lot of ego out of the equation

I agree

I love this brother... I've been working on myself for the past few years. I was the worst pessimist and worried so much about what if... And now I embrace the challenges and failures and learning from them. Thank you for bringing this to the fore front and reminding me on where I was so I can look back and see how far I've come. 🍻

I am glad it has helped.

We often overlook the amount of time we waste on the most simple of things..


That's an excellent way to proceed, Michael! 👍😎

Frank 🎸

Thanks Frank! And as you say! ROCK ON!


Sometimes, it's just close enough for Rock and Roll, Michael. 🤘🤘 😎

Frank 🎸

That's really fab, Michael! No decision is perfect, indeed.


I have wasted too much time thinking about the simplest things hindering my production.

Yeah! Go with the flow lol And gummy bears


Truth be told, this post is Gummy induced.

The image is top-notch! Really nice choice...


Thank you!

You're welcome, inside another inside another welcome, lol


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