Level 2 It's Been Quite a Trip!

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Finally, I get to see light at the end of the tunnel at level 2 and it's been quite a trip.

I joined early October, went premium from the start, I had no doubt with regard to the powerful resource and network Wealthy Affiliate have here, the fact that everything is all under one umbrella suited my needs perfectly.

Over the years I managed to gain a little knowledge here and there, all jumbled up really, It's like having a jigsaw with some of the pieces missing.

WA is helping me with that, I've only just got through level 2 though, I got so overwhelmed at the start that I had to step back, take a deep breath, review, evaluate, regroup and try again.

I took the advice of a few members when I first joined in response to my 1st blog post, the advice was 'take your own time' 'it's not a race', .

So I did and will continue to do so, the change of mindset helped a great deal, so thanks if you were one of the ones that gave me such good advice.

Taking it in My Own Time

I really was grateful for the advise given and definitely took on board what was said but taking it in my own time didn't mean taking it in any less time, far from it.

TIME, the one thing we all wish we had more of, the most valued asset, when its gone, its gone.

My chosen niche is health and my website looks at how absolutely amazing our Immune System is and how important it is, it's pretty mind blowing stuff, it really is a powerful thing.

I also have a vested interest in learning as much about it as I can for my own personal reasons and I have many close family and friends dealing with all kinds of chronic illness.

Oh and Let's not forget the dreaded virus of the moment along with all the other viruses out there!

I also do not agree with the way prescription drugs have been and still are being pushed upon and forced down peoples throats whether they actually need them or not.

Big Pharma = Big Money.

It takes an awful lot of effort, the will to learn, to ask for help, to be willing to go do thorough research, take on extra learning in the areas needed and willing to go that extra mile, not just once but every time.

Patience Truly is a Virtue

Time, that pesky resource again!

You also need plenty of that, unless your clever enough to already know what yexactly what you are doing.

It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to learn how to build a website to get it presentable enough to be successfully commercialized, there are so many elements to learn, and the trouble-shooting!! πŸ˜–

The reality for me is years of blood, sweat, tears and many, many fails but also mixed in there is desire, a passion and a stubborn determination.

Still, no matter how much or how many times I doubt myself I truly believe I can do it and that anything is possible if you put your mind to it.

Things seem to be kicking in a little at last I think, after all this time things don't seem as difficult to get my head around like they did at the start.

I have so many other ideas, I'm really quite exciting, it's funny that we have more time on our hands than ever due to the lock downs but time still appears short, it's almost as if time no longer exists, well it was set by man in the first place I guess.

2020 has truly been one heck of an eye-opener πŸ™„ Lets see what happens next...

2021 Bring it On!

I did my new year resolution a few months ago, a bit early I know, but it needed to be, it was to make sure that I am better prepared going into 2021 for what ever it decides to throw at us.

I'm really grateful that I came across Wealthy Affiliate and the awesome community established here.

Although I may not engage as often as I'd like, I will try to do better, it's that pesky little thing called time again.

Thanks for still being here right till the end

Much Appreciated πŸ™πŸ½

Mitch X:-).

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Hello Mitch! I love your energy "2021 Bring it on!" So happy to share your excitement in progress. Thank you for sharing your journey. Rupert.

Hi Rupert,

Thank you & sincere apologies for such a late response to such a Lovely message, I have got my notification filter a bit messed up.

Mitch X:-).

Very well done, Mitch!


Thanks for that Jeff πŸ™πŸ½

Hope the day treats you well.

Mitch X:-).

You're very welcome, Mitch! I hope it is a good day as well!


Mitch, you are taking it slow and steady. Still moving so well done. You are still here, you are reflecting and you are moving forward. We are all proud of you. You're doing well. Best wishes in all your future endeavours.

I wish you continued success in your WA journey!

Thank You Diane59.

Have an Awesome Day

Mitch X:-).

Congrats on joining WA! And I can also relate on not posting as often as I would like.. I'm still working that out.. Last post about 4 or 5 days ago... πŸ˜„ but progress is still being made. Take the advice you were given and pace yourself, know that every step that is taken, progress is being made. Stay positive and may you be blessed.

Hey thanks for that,

Yes I think I will it seems to be working and yes you are quite right about every step taken.

Thanks Again

Mitch X:-).

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