It is possible for Wealthy Affiliate to host for me a PHP Laravel website? What about a Python Django website?
Can wa provide hosting for a laravel or django website?
It is possible for Wealthy Affiliate to host for me a PHP Laravel website? What about a Python Django website?
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Hi Louis,
Here is my take on keywords:
You basically find keywords with:
AVG > 100
QSR < 50
Each keyword must have both of these.
For me, those are the ideal criteria to look for in any keywords.
So to get that kind of keyword, yes, it's usually a phrase (more than one word).
You will find as many keywords as you can.
Each post you write will be tackling only ONE of these keywords on your list.
sample "how to train a dog to sit"
Then you will incorporate that phrase in your title, first paragraph, and then once again near the end of your post.
Title: "3 Easy Steps: How To Train A Dog To Sit" - Always add to the title to make it enticing and reason why people should click on YOUR post on their results page.
First paragraph (within first 160 characters):
"When first getting a new puppy, you will want to learn how to train a dog to sit when he or she is 2 - 4 months old.
I have 3 easy steps below that I'm going to go through with you so you can teach your new puppy...."
Body: anything you want.
Last section of post somewhere:
"If you have learned how to train your dog to sit, then please comment below and let me know of your results!" - or something else, anything that will bring that keyword back into your article.
When researching keywords you need to beware of Stop Words like "what is" "how to" and words like "in" "a" "on".
Those words don't really count and if you see another keyword with same AVG but higher QSR and without those stop words, then that keyword is the true QSR.
For example "what is commission junction" and "commission junction" are the similar AVG but the true keyword is "commission junction" which will have a much higher QSR than "what is commission junction".
Hope this helps,
My self I’m trying out the 0, what’s the worst thing to happen.you get a ton of traffic and the first spot
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How should I interpret these keyword stats?
Hello my fr
Hi Louis,
Here is my take on keywords:
You basically find keywords with:
AVG > 100
QSR < 50
Each keyword must have both of these.
For me, those are the ideal criteria to look for in any keywords.
So to get that kind of keyword, yes, it's usually a phrase (more than one word).
You will find as many keywords as you can.
Each post you write will be tackling only ONE of these keywords on your list.
sample "how to train a dog to sit"
Then you will incorporate that phrase in your title, first paragraph, and then once again near the end of your post.
Title: "3 Easy Steps: How To Train A Dog To Sit" - Always add to the title to make it enticing and reason why people should click on YOUR post on their results page.
First paragraph (within first 160 characters):
"When first getting a new puppy, you will want to learn how to train a dog to sit when he or she is 2 - 4 months old.
I have 3 easy steps below that I'm going to go through with you so you can teach your new puppy...."
Body: anything you want.
Last section of post somewhere:
"If you have learned how to train your dog to sit, then please comment below and let me know of your results!" - or something else, anything that will bring that keyword back into your article.
When researching keywords you need to beware of Stop Words like "what is" "how to" and words like "in" "a" "on".
Those words don't really count and if you see another keyword with same AVG but higher QSR and without those stop words, then that keyword is the true QSR.
For example "what is commission junction" and "commission junction" are the similar AVG but the true keyword is "commission junction" which will have a much higher QSR than "what is commission junction".
Hope this helps,
My self I’m trying out the 0, what’s the worst thing to happen.you get a ton of traffic and the first spot
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Hi Misha-el!
Wealthy Affiliate hosts Wordpress websites, so I don't think the two you mentioned would be options for hosting here.
Let me know how else I can help!
Thanks NickL88.
You're welcome!