Maximizing and Prioritizing Your Time and Work in Internet Marketing

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I was inspired by (WA premium member) Fullerlj's post yesterday ("Long Sleeve Burnout Tees" - September 20, 2018), and have been thinking about how easy it is to throw yourself into this work (internet marketing + all of the research and training) while barely stepping away from your computer to just take a break.

It's also easy to get lost in the weeds of all of the various offers and emails you may be getting from other people who are more experienced in the field.

My experience over the past several months has been that it is far more advantageous and effective to focus on all of the Wealthy Affiliate training, as well as the Friday live events with Jay Neill (and the previously recorded events on topics that will help advance your online business). Therefore I have mostly turned off the various email offers that were just far too distracting while I am building new websites.

Thinking about Fullerlj's post about working through feelings of burnout, I was thinking about how important it is to just get up from your chair (at least once every hour) and move! Make a daily habit of going out for a walk in the fresh air, even for 10 or 15 minutes, feel the ground under your feet, listen to the birds singing, the sound of the breeze in the leaves.

It's amazing how, just by going for a short walk, you may suddenly get creative ideas, suddenly come up with problem solving ideas. Inspiration comes to you when you walk; this is why walking daily is one of the most important tools that many writers cite as their most important habit to support their writing.

(The image above is a photo of the Blue Ridge Mountains, in the spirit of getting inspired to take time to go outside and breath the fresh air. A walk down the sidewalk or a walk in the park works wonders - try it and see what kind of creative inspiration comes to you while you walk!)

In addition, I was thinking about how doing this work can sometimes make me feel like I am going down a (wrong) rabbit hole as I begin learning yet another new skill that I feel I really MUST know to be successful in internet marketing . . . But the structure and foundation of everything we need to learn is right here at WA in the training and all of the courses and tools. Stay focused here at WA; the other shiny details can come later.

In thinking about how best to use our time working in internet marketing, without feeling burned out, another key is to effectively prioritize the work that we do in the time that we have to spend on it (whether full time or part time), and focus on the effective actions we can take that will get the greatest results.

Easier said than done? Even though I just wrote about how everything we need to get started and build a business is right here at WA, time invested in personal development also is time well spent. I highly recommend Tim Ferriss' book, The Four Hour Work Week to help focus on your specific goals at WA and how to accomplish them, on a day by day basis.

Specifically, in The Four Hour Work Week book, Tim Ferriss combines the Pareto Principle 80/20 rule (“roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes”) with Parkinson's Law (we use up all of the allotted time to complete a task, whether we needed that much time or not -- so create your own self-imposed SHORTER deadlines and get it done faster and more effectively.)

As Tim Ferriss describes it in his book The Four Hour Work Week:
"Parkinson's Law dictates that a task will swell in (perceived) importance and complexity in relation to the time allotted for its completion. It is the magic of the imminent deadline. If I give you 24 hours to complete a project, the time pressure forces you to focus on execution, and you have no choice but to do only the bare essentials." - Tim Ferriss, The Four Hour Work Week.

So combining Parkinson's Law with the Pareto Principle, in Tim Ferriss' words:

"There are two synergistic approaches for increasing productivity that are inversions of one another:

(1) Limit tasks to the important to shorten work time. (80/20)

(2) Shorten work time to limit tasks to the important. (Parkinson's Law).

The best solution is to use both together: Identify the few critical tasks that contribute most to income and schedule them with very short and clear deadlines."

- Tim Ferriss, The Four Hour Work Week

One way you can help yourself set time limits is to set your timer on your cell phone (or use the online timer that Tim recommends in his book: -- this is what I use when I want to set a time deadline for myself while working on my computer.) It's also a good idea to set the timer if you are about to head off into social media land . . . let or your phone timer be a neutral observer that stops you from going too far down a path that is not focused on taking the daily action required to achieve your goals.

If you haven't tried this, you may be amazed and startled when that alarm goes off, and you take account of how much time you just spent (frittering away time on social media), when it may have seemed like only 5 minutes or so.

In summary, I'm not saying just go out and read (yet another) book instead of getting your work done, but Tim Ferriss' The Four Hour Work Week can be VERY helpful to focus your work, especially if you are working in a field (like internet marketing) that can tend to seem unstructured by its very nature. Tim Ferriss' formulation of combining the Pareto Principle with Parkinson's Law is powerful.

In fact, even though I have gone back to read and re-read this book over time, I am going to re-read these sections of The Four Hour Work Week again now, to find ways to make my work more effective so that I can get better results towards reaching my goals.

Give it a try (apply the Pareto Principle (80/20) + Parkinson's Law together to specific tasks that will help you achieve your goals), and share below how it works for you!

What is your favorite method for staying on track and focused, to use your time effectively, and also to avoid burn-out?


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Recent Comments


Great post Kate! This is something I think I need to be more focussed on. It can be difficult balancing the time I have outside of my normal work hours and it's easy to get distracted as you say, with the shiny new offer or training someone puts up. it's going well so far though. I just need to keep up the momentum.

Have a great day!

Thank you for this post Kate! Very well put. Prioritizing and setting time limits are great organisational tools!
I work two jobs and have very little time available to study the things I need to improve my situation in WA.

Thanks for giving guidance.


Early morning workout , good food and some form of meditation . I find these all major help factors for focus and stat grabbing.
Great to meet you Kate

Hello Grant, Agreed - excellent ways to start the day! Working out in the early morning is the only way I get it done before the rest of the day takes over. : )
Cheers - great to meet you, Grant.

Kate, I will have to add the book to my to-do list. However, I will try applying the Pareto principle and Parkinson's law together this week.

Thanks for the suggestion. I hope you week is productive.

Hello Sondra, Thanks for your comment. I am following you and looking forward to hearing about all of your successes here at WA!

Kate, what a beautiful post. This is very helpful for me. I will read this book. I love the timer idea. FOCUS!!!

Hello Laura! It sounds like you are very focused and getting a lot of work done - that's great! You are a great inspiration. : )

The four hour work week is a great concept however, I have a difficult time in wrapping my head around it considering I just pulled an all niter. A concept to aspire to. Nice writing style and very informative. Thanks :o)

Hello Clement0, I agree with you about the all niters - and I think this work leads to that kind of working through the night more than a lot of other kinds of work do.

Ideally, applying Tim Ferriss' 4-Hour Work Week involves "outsourcing" of many tasks that others can do for us (via websites/services like fiverr and many others Tim lists in his book as well as with more updated recommendations on his website).

That's a critical element of reducing work time, along with the Pareto Principal (focus efforts on the 20% of activities that get 80% of results) and Parkinson's Law (create your own shortened deadlines).

Or as Tim Ferriss describes it:
(1) Limit tasks to the important to shorten work time. (80/20)

(2) Shorten work time to limit tasks to the important. (Parkinson's Law).

But the outsourcing (a fundamental element of The Four Hour Work Week not mentioned in my post above) is probably just as important in terms of limiting future all-nighters down the line.

More experienced affiliate marketers do outsource writing and other tasks - but in my mind that also leads to time and effort reviewing and editing (and finding good writers, etc.)

It's an art I have yet to master, but I plan to master the skill of outsourcing and I will look forward to getting some sleep at night when I do. : )

Read Tim's book have it pdf thanks for all the information esp Nightingale I appreciate it. Still a little overwhelmed at all the messages I've received, didn't know what to make of at first, but I'm slowly feeling my way. Thanks again, Dave

Hello, Dave! Thanks for your kind message. FYI - as a follow up for the fantastic Nightingale talk about the critical importance of goals, and his 30-day "test"/challenge (which I am doing right now), I Googled Earl Nightingale The Strangest Secret transcript and printed it out so that I can refer to it for inspiration.

You might find the printed transcript to be even more helpful than the YouTube recording - although I do like his voice - re-reading the transcript can be more direct and faster than listening to the entire recording again.

Please don't feel overwhelmed by the messages; please just know that the WA community is here to help if you need help. Mostly just stick to the training every step of the way, ask questions if you need help. Also, Google anything, like how to do something in WordPress, how to change email settings in a particular program, for anything you aren't sure about online you can usually Google it and have the answer at your finger tips (in addition to asking questions here at WA).

It sounds like you have some fascinating areas of expertise from which to choose a niche - great website name & logo, too!

Hi Kate- I'm a Succes Coach and obviously you study Pd which is awesome and you have given some great references here so thank you

Thanks for your message, Vicki! I am following you and I'm so interested to learn more about your work. Right now I am focusing on Earl Nightingale's The Strangest Secret - 30-Day "test"/challenge -- it's awesome -- highly recommend it!
I'm excited to follow your successes here at WA!

Hi Kate
This is a brilliant book and there are also youtube videos of Earl. So old and amazing how he sounds when he speaks
Love this book
Let's stay in touch and great to connect

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