Change Ahead


“Rise to the challenge of bringing your dreams to life! Do not be discouraged by resistance, be nourished by it. Success is the experience of rising to the level of your true greatness.” ~ Steve Maraboli

"Unless you are prepared to give up something valuable you will never be able to truly change at all because you'll be forever in the control of things you can't give up." ~ Andy Law

Time to bring your dreams to life. Don't be afraid of the sacrifices!

Live like tomorrow isn't coming and yesterday never happened.

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Recent Comments


This reminds me how to see things more positively. Sometimes it's really just to look at the things you've gained instead of what you haven't achieved.

Thanks for sharing!


You're welcome, Anh.

That made me think of Albert Einstein. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

There are a lot of people doing just what Einstein talked about.
Thanks for reading and commenting, Lisa.

My pleasure, Mike. Yep, those are the insane ones haha. I think that is Einstein's most famous quote and quite true.

Thanks again Mike :)

You're welcome, Jude. :)

Right on mike, most folks don't want to give up the time and can't get used to being out of comfort zone. Being surrounded by others with the same intentions is a biggee. I really try to remember to have fun and not see it as a job, but a challenge. Sometimes that's a challenge.
Persistence trumps all.

Thanks for the great comments, Rich.

Thank you Mike. Always inspiring ;-)

You're welcome, Liz. I appreciate you commenting. :)

I really like this and thanks Mike

My pleasure, Paul. Glad you to hear you like the post. :)

Love the pics as well

Thanks my friend. :)

A motivation super charge, thank you Mike.

You're welcome, Alexander. I appreciate you commenting.

Nothing is constant but change.

That is so true, Barbara. Thanks for commenting.

Great perspective on change, thanks for sharing!

You're welcome, Jon. I appreciate you commenting.

I like that last one, Mike. Here and Now! :)

Thanks, Rick, your comments are much appreciated. :)

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