Nov 20, 2023 Our Progress

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(Cover photo: Northern Lights aka Aurora Borealis)

Hi everyone,

There is always a lot happening in my life whether I am acting on it or not.

Today, I finally went to see a Doctor for pain I have been having for 3 months in my right arm/shoulder socket. So I received various meds and he says it should be fine in 5 days. That would be great.

Yes, I put off going to the Dr for a number of reasons, but its finally taken care of. They are also going to do some blood tests Friday morning.

To my surprise, Wen has blocked her entire family on Facebook, but I understand.

She has given, given, given and they have taken, taken, taken. Enough is enough!

Many of the challenges we had last week that I mentioned before was related to a violent person who so happens to be her older brother. The govt, police and mental health officials will do little to nothing about it so we have washed our hands of the whole affair.

People must learn to be RESPONSIBLE for themselves and their families.

So its time to focus on our family here; Wen, Melissa Jeane and I.

As soon as we can afford it we will move to a different area to get farther away from her family.

Jeff Brown and I continue to collaborate on some projects.

Almost everything has taken a back seat while I dealt with these other issues and hopefully I can get my work back up to speed while still taking time for Wen and Melissa Jeane.

I hope you all take advantage of promoting Wealthy Affiliate's Black Friday coming up and perhaps even pick up some Premium referrals. You only need a few to pay for your WA membership.

Happy 2's Day!

To Our Success!

Mel Waller

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Recent Comments


You certainly have had challenges to deal with! Just remember that doing so makes you stronger, and will help you as you move forward. I'm sure you will find a way to progress in spite of challenges, and in the long run will be better off for having conquered the problems you face. Good luck, Mel!

Thanks Fran! I completely agree. :-)


Good morning Mel,

I'm sorry that you have all been going through so much, it's not clever! But I'm sure you will do the right thing, Mel.

That would be great if the medication would put you right.

It's good to hear that you're moving forward with, Jeff, good for you, Mel! I really hope this works for both of you.

Try to look and focus on the good things, Mel, it makes the problems become smaller!

Wishing you all the best and the great day.


Thanks Roy!


I understand, Mel.

I have bad relatives, too. In the past, every time we meet (e.g. during family events), some of them would go all out to criticize or ridicule me. The rest would just sit back and watch, not helping me to fend off these awful people.

They do it because of some bad things that happened between them and my late father. Nothing to do with me. But with my father gone, I am the closest thing they can attack.

I am still tolerating it all for now because of my mother. When the time comes, I would not communicate with them anymore.

I wish Wen, Melissa Jeane and you all the best.


Thanks for sharing Tim!

I was bullied most of my youth. I learned the bullies are the ones that are insecure and try to lift themselves up by tearing others down. It certainly destroyed my self esteem/love. Took me years to work through that. I try not to have toxic people in my life now if possible. Best wishes!


Thanks for sharing too, Mel.

Bullies are the worst. An uncle who has observed how one of his sons attack me verbally every time at a family event, one day told me, "A bully is a coward."

Please take care, my friend.


I hope your shoulder pain is resolved soon and you have the stability to move further away from toxic family. A hard decision to have to make for all of you, but you have to provide for your wife and child first.

Thanks Catherine! I'm left handed so thankful its not the arm I use the most. A reminder to take better care of myself.


I hear you I am also left handed



That's a shame when you have to block people on Facebook. But your wife and daughter should come first.

Hang in there, Mel!
Isaiah 😊

Thanks Isaiah!


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