A Somber September Sunday

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(Cover Photo: Amazon Bestselling Author Jeff Brown aka J Lynn Brown)

Hi everyone,

I really wish I had better news to report. I am still processing everything in my head and heart as I write this.

I'm hoping for an update this week to learn more about what action(s) are being taken to help our dear friend Jeff Brown.

I would ask for your positive thoughts and love and energy and prayers for healing.

As a result, Jeff may not be coming back to Wealthy Affiliate, but that's the least of my concerns.

Simply put, Jeff seems to have lost touch with reality.

His best friend Ron, will be visiting Jeff again on Monday and will be attempting to get Jeff to consent to more testing and assistance. If need be, Ron is preparing to force the issue to get Jeff the help he needs, but may not be aware of himself.

I really don't want to go into a lot of details right now.

I did have the opportunity to talk to Ron yesterday and it was just devastating for me to hear what all is happening with Jeff.

So again please channel your love towards Jeff in any way that you can.


Mel Waller

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Thanks for the update Mel.
This is so sad to hear what's happened with Jeff. I'd been wondering why I hadn't seen anything from him for awhile now.
I'll be praying for a full recovery and healing for Jeff, his family and friends daily.
Hoping to see him back again.

Best wishes ~Sherry

Hi Mel,

Thank you for sharing this update with us. I’m deeply sorry to hear about what Jeff is going through. It must be incredibly difficult for you and everyone who cares about him.

Please know that my thoughts and positive energy are with Jeff, Ron, and everyone involved. It’s heartbreaking to see someone we care about facing such challenges, and I hope that the steps Ron is taking will lead to the support and help Jeff needs.

In times like these, it’s important to stay hopeful and united in our support. I’ll be keeping Jeff in my thoughts and sending all the positive energy and prayers I can. If there’s anything specific we can do to help or any updates you can share, please let us know.

Wishing strength and healing to Jeff and sending my heartfelt support to you and everyone affected.

With care,

Thanks for the update, Mel. This is very sad to learn. Jeff has become a good friend over the years and his presence is missed by many. I truly hope things turn around for him in this very difficult time. He will be in my prayers. 🙏


Hi Mel, I watched a movie 6 years ago that changed my life. Its called "The Magic Pill". I had just gotten diagnosed with diabetes 2. I don't have that anymore and my blood sugar is normal because of a keto diet. No sugar or carbs that turn into sugar. I bring thi up because Jeff is having mental issues. Alzheimers has recently been referred to as diabetes 3 also dementia. People rarely listen to you. But if family would just watch the movie they would be amazed. In the movie there was a case study involving mental confusion that cleared up after removing sugar from her diet. I usually keep quiet but I believe in this solution because it healed me.

Watching it on Youtube. Thanks!


Hi Mel,

It is hard news to receive. Many of us have known Jeff for years and know how active and full of life he was. I hope the causes that brought him to this stage will be discovered to receive the appropriate treatment.

In the meantime... Prayers for his recovery and strength for the family! 🙏🙏🙏

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