Blog Site Comparison - Another Pillow Thought
Hello fellow WA friends! I was about to start writing an article within my niche, but then I remembered a thought I had before I drifted off to sleep last night. I call these pillow thoughts, and I swear some of my best thinking and writing (in my head) is done during this time. Well, I thought I'd share it here with you. It's about a blog site comparison to one of my little real-life thoughts I had about 15 years ago.
My pillow thought started here - As I go around the web visiting blog-style websites, I am seeing primarily three types:
1. those that are really great and have original content that truly teaches me or others something of value. The affiliate ads are helpful, minimal, and are very relevant to the site - and "minimal" is the keyword here.
2. those that have good original content, but there are affiliate ads all over the place, and I start to feel as if the blog creator's only intent was to get me to make that person money. I understand why the person has done this, and my goal is to support people. However, it is too in my face and I start to get irritated. I begin to have doubts on whether or not I should trust this person at all.
3. those that are clearly SPAM-blogs that have no original content, and of course, have way too many affiliate ads. All information is duplicate material ripped from another person's hard work. Understand, I condone sharing good, informative, educational information, but if it is all I see and some of the duplicate content isn't even that great, I am eager to click off and get away from that online page. At this point, I'm really turned-off, and I feel these types of sites are giving affiliate marketing and online entrepreneurship a bad name. This is my personal opinion.
Okay, back to my pillow thoughts as I was falling asleep last night. SPAM blogs remind me of why I stopped paying any attention to most magazines. I believe it was back in the mid '90's when I was flipping through a magazine, and I stated to someone sitting next to me, " You know. I don't think I like most magazines anymore. I can't even get to the articles without flipping through so many pages of advertisements. I want articles, not a gazillion ads." Since then, unless, it's a tried and true publication, such as National Geographic, I don't even give any magazine covers a full glance let alone checkout what's inside.
It's a simple comparison, but it's one I thought you may relate to. Bad blogs are similar to bad magazines. Too many ads screams, "Buy, buy, buy, and that's all we care about! I don't think I'm alone in my ideas relating to this.
I hope you may benefit from the comparisons I tend to make with affiliate and online marketing with my real-life experiences. I feel this may become a trend for me.
...................Okay, now back to that article I was about to write.............
Recent Comments
I like your 3 breakdowns of the blog sites. I hadn't consciously thought of them that way before, but I'm sure I will from now on. Like you, I think I get my best ideas just before going to sleep and when I'm taking a long shower. Enjoyed your post. Best regards,
Very powerful, these pillow thoughts. Good points also about website/blog contents. One can tell if it was written to help or to sell. Blessings!
Still hanging in there and still hesitating on making my move. Im also taking a course on a free online school Alison, try looking it up it has so much knowledge for people like us and people who want to persue some other kind of education. I also like your blogs and will always read them all! Keep up the good work, your tenacity shows. Paula
Hello again. I love reading your blogs because you make them so vivid. I read where you said your background is in biology. I have a degree in biology and love genetics. How about that...Keep up the great work! Looking forward to reading more from you.
Hi, it's so nice to meet you. -and thank you so much. What a nice compliment to receive. I'm usually the one doling out compliments. ehehe (This WA community is so awesome!)
I almost forgot - don't know how since I love biology! Genetics is very cook and I naturally "got it" when studying and working out problems ehehe It's really super nice to meet someone with similar interests. People usually look at me like I have four heads when they discover things I like. ehehe Oh well, I'm used to it.
Very relevant observation. The thoughts we think just before sleep emanate from a 'different place' in your brain as the brain waves become alpha waves, during which time they play an active role in network coordination and communication. It is also possible to train your brain to enter the alpha stage at any time, but for everyone it happens every night... we would all be better off in terms of having more clarity if we could act on them like you did, leading to such a great post.
thank you so much!! you're way too kind :) -I'd keep a journal by my bed, but I'm afraid that if I started writing too much, it would slam me back into wake mode. Currently, I just repeat my thoughts in my mind a couple of times and hope that's enough to have some memories of it when I wake. Enjoy your day, and thank you again!!
Good point, one I relate too very much. Also I find last minute thoughts and those when I wake up are often more creative and original - hence the notebook by my bed,
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