Puppeteers & Profiteers Promenades Probably Pollute Patient People.

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Hey, everyone,

Only the puppeteers and profiteers know why it took ten months to secure a neurological appointment.

Things are that bad in the Virgin Islands for specific services.

What was notably a dime in growth is now a quarter and more. These professionals just don't understand how waiting for help sucks. You try to be more patient as a "patient" should be. But, it's disgustingly overbearing to endure pain all the time. Not knowing what's going on plays a major role, too!

Not only that, depending on your type of insurance determines the level of treatment and medication prescribed.

Don't get me wrong. I don't expect champagne treatment with a beer pocketbook. For some reason, I hopefully thought medical provisions would be definitely different.

That's why I feel as if some medical professionals are puppeteers and profiteers. I have to remember that not all doctors are in it to help people, no matter what.

In my case, I was diagnosed with a benign lipoma, which is located between my head and neck. Although I am grateful, more tests have to be done, like an MRI for the brain and a cervical spine scan.

Others were not as fortunate. Two of my friends were diagnosed with malignant cancers. They have to travel to either Puerto Rico or Florida for either treatment or surgery.

The problems and promenades continue. Hopefully, people won't have to wait too much longer in the future.

Please wish me well as I stand firm for better health for my friends and myself.

It is a pleasure to share my thoughts with my wealthy affiliate family.

Have a great day!

All the best,

Maxine :)

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Recent Comments


Sorry to hear you’re dealing with that, Maxine. The waiting game is agonizing. There are so many places where waiting to see a specialist is now a very serious problem. Keep up the fight and best wishes to you!


All is well, Susan.

Maxine :)

Sorry to hear that things are that bad over there Maxine...

Stay positive and strong my friend...

Thank you for the positive encouragement, Jessie.

Faith over fate. All is well!

Maxine :)

You're most welcome my friend and take care ok! :-)

Done, Jessie!

Maxine :)


Prayers your way,

Thank you kindly, Sami.

Maxine :)

Hi Jeff,

Makes sense, right? Happy Sunday, my friend.

Maxine :)

Love the alliteration, Maxine! Enjoy your Sunday, my friend!


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