About Mary6006
Rank 232363
216 followers Joined April 2017
Well I am 57 years old and I live in the Northern Territory, Australia. I have 2 girls, Sarah, is the one in the





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asked in
Getting Started

Hi Kyle , I just need to talk privately. How do I PM you.

Kind regards


Here's the link to his profile. He has a Private Message button to contact him.

Exactly, head over there and then send the PM from there. I will be more than happy to help you out here Mary.

I can't understand some of the comments i see about responses from you Kyle. Kudos.

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I need to ask kyle a ?

I need to ask kyle a ?

asked in
Getting Started

Hi Kyle , I just need to talk privately. How do I PM you.

Kind regards


Here's the link to his profile. He has a Private Message button to contact him.

Exactly, head over there and then send the PM from there. I will be more than happy to help you out here Mary.

I can't understand some of the comments i see about responses from you Kyle. Kudos.

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I am a little confused... How do I actually start my web page. Where do I go to set it up on my site. Where do I put it... sorry if you have been asked these questions over a

Robert gave you a very good answer and that is the way to proceed.

(if you are already familiar with WordPress, you could go to the light purple box at the left that say: Siterubix (build your websites here...))

In the dropbox, simply click on Manager

Hi Mary.
First of all you have to get started.
To do that you click on the GREEN - Getting Started Here - Button on the left of your screen in your Dashboard.
Then you just take the lessons one at a time.
Eventually you will come to the one on Setting Up A Website.
Follow the Step By Step instructions and its no bother.

You get stuck anywhere and at any time you get in touch with me or any of the other members.
Enjoy your Sunday.

Where do I set up my web page?

Where do I set up my web page?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I am a little confused... How do I actually start my web page. Where do I go to set it up on my site. Where do I put it... sorry if you have been asked these questions over a

Robert gave you a very good answer and that is the way to proceed.

(if you are already familiar with WordPress, you could go to the light purple box at the left that say: Siterubix (build your websites here...))

In the dropbox, simply click on Manager

Hi Mary.
First of all you have to get started.
To do that you click on the GREEN - Getting Started Here - Button on the left of your screen in your Dashboard.
Then you just take the lessons one at a time.
Eventually you will come to the one on Setting Up A Website.
Follow the Step By Step instructions and its no bother.

You get stuck anywhere and at any time you get in touch with me or any of the other members.
Enjoy your Sunday.

asked in
Getting Started

What I mean by that, is trying to stay on target and not getting side tracked. Also I have another question. How do I add people when trying to do a blog and as soon as I cli

Hi guys well getting side track I have discovered, is helping me to nail certain timetables. There is so much out here it scares me.

Hi Mary, getting side tracked is easy to do. Try to decide on just one or a few things that you will check in with or accomplish with each sitting. Also watch your time and decide how much time per sitting you will work and when you will get up to accomplish other things before you come back.

As far as your tags on your blog, it's not meant for specific people, it's more like hashtag#. just put in a key word that describes your blog post, like #success, or #venting. You don't even have to put the hashtag in, (just the word) it will do it for you.

I hope this helps. :-)


O will give it a go and see how I get on. Thanks heaps

If you mean within WA then you should not have to 'Tag' anyone.
You compose your blog and hit the Publish Button at the bottom when you are ready.

If its anywhere else then you will have to give more info.
Enjoy your Sunday.

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Staying on target as I seem to get lost a little?

Staying on target as I seem to get lost a little?

asked in
Getting Started

What I mean by that, is trying to stay on target and not getting side tracked. Also I have another question. How do I add people when trying to do a blog and as soon as I cli

Hi guys well getting side track I have discovered, is helping me to nail certain timetables. There is so much out here it scares me.

Hi Mary, getting side tracked is easy to do. Try to decide on just one or a few things that you will check in with or accomplish with each sitting. Also watch your time and decide how much time per sitting you will work and when you will get up to accomplish other things before you come back.

As far as your tags on your blog, it's not meant for specific people, it's more like hashtag#. just put in a key word that describes your blog post, like #success, or #venting. You don't even have to put the hashtag in, (just the word) it will do it for you.

I hope this helps. :-)


O will give it a go and see how I get on. Thanks heaps

If you mean within WA then you should not have to 'Tag' anyone.
You compose your blog and hit the Publish Button at the bottom when you are ready.

If its anywhere else then you will have to give more info.
Enjoy your Sunday.

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