Lessons Learned From Taking A Lunch Break


This is a post from my blog that I wrote last year but I thought it would be good to post it here as well.

For most people doing the day-to-day tasks that are necessary in any business can sometimes get a bit monotonous. I’m sure you would agree. Even though we may really enjoy what we are doing, the stagnation can set in.

Having worked in my office for most of the morning, I decided to take a break and go get some lunch. As soon as I stepped out of my office (at home, by the way) my thoughts began to clear. My interests were on something else – nourishment!

I got the keys to my car and headed out the door to ponder the possibilities for lunch today. Getting in the car I remembered something that I wanted to accomplish today so I made a note of it. This was something that was not on my original to-do list but would help me move forward to finishing a project for a client.

Lesson #1 – Taking a break can give you a fresh perspective.

While I was in my car and on the way to a restaurant, a car darted out from a parking lot on my right trying to cross three lanes to head in the opposite direction. I had to slam on my brakes and swerve so I would not hit the car. If I had not been paying attention, I would have T-boned that car on the drivers side. Hitting a car going 50 mph would not have been pretty. It could have been tragic.

Lesson #2 – Pay attention to what’s going on in your sphere of influence.

When my heart rate went down, I proceeded to the fast food restaurant that I chose. Yeah, I hear ya. Fast Food? Well, this one is a chicken place and it has healthy alternatives. Did I make healthy choices? Uh, no – but that’s another story for another day.

This particular fast food place is usually very busy during the lunch rush with a long line going through the drive-through. At any other restaurant the long lines would deter me from choosing the drive-through option.

This place has the lunch rush drive-through down to a science. They have a live, walking person greet you in the line and take your order. It doesn’t take much time at all to get through the line and get your order. Their system is super-efficient!

Lesson #3 – Run your business with the customer in mind.

As you can see, deciding to take a lunch break was a pretty good idea. Not only did I fulfill my nourishment needs but I learned some valuable business lessons in the process.

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Recent Comments


Very nice post… thanks for sharing

love it, lessons are all around- open eyes are all that is needed, that and paying attention to our state...thanks for this- Andy

Thank you, great post to read as I just took a break from editing my site for a bite of lunch!

Good article. I like taking a walk with my dog. It clears my head, but I don't learn valuable business lessons. I have to try going out for lunch. Thanks.

Step away from the computer! Well, at least for a few minutes every hour. :) Even just getting out of the chair to get a cup of coffee, put the trash out, etc...is great for your mind, eyes and body. That was a great day you had, I bet you never saw lunch breaks the same way after that!

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