Don't Become A Know It All - Day 24


30 Days To Crush Email Marketing!

Day 24

Don't Become A Know It All

Hey there..and a warm welcome to Day 24 of my 30 Day Email Marketing Challenge!

It's hard to believe that this is post number 24 in this blog series. This post marks the home straight..the last week before completion of this latest challenge...hooray!

It's always been my intention that over this 30 day email marketing challenge we work together to become better email marketers. I've been using email marketing in my own business on and off for the last 2 years and I am forever trying to improve and get better at it.

Today, I want to share my top tips I've developed over this time for becoming a better marketer. Follow them with me throughout the rest of this challenge and of course going forward, so we can improve our writing skills and get our readers to take the actions we know will benefit them.

Don't ever become a "know it all"

My first tip is to never stop learning about the subjects that inspire and motivate us. Try and stay curious about the world around we were when we where kids :)

There’s always something else to lean and something new to try. It's imperative that we continue our efforts to get to know our audiences, continue to interact and connect with them. Always stay alert and keep our minds open to fresh ideas and new techniques.

Invest our time in a good education...such as the one offered here within WA. Essentially, implement what we’re learning and keep going so we get really good at it. This will always remain a sound investment for us both personally and for our businesses.

Don't walk looking down

Trust me, great copy examples are all around us! Get in the habit of looking around you while you walk. Open your eyes and really take in what is around you.

Keep an eye out on products while you shop. Check out your favourite magazines and newspapers. Look at advertising signage as you walk around. Watch commercials on the TV and pay close attention to the calls to action that they use.

The most important thing is to try and figure out a way to make them work for our own marketing content.

Keep Practicing

Finally, keep practicing, practicing practicing!. All the studying in the world won’t do us any good if we don’t put what we’ve learned into practice.

It sounds so obvious...but honestly, can you put your hand on your heart and tell me that's something that you've not been guilty of in your past...because I know I've got a hard drive full of courses I've purchased over the years and have never ever looked at..shame on me!

The simple habit of writing emails each and every day or week will help you get better. I can tell you that I've seen an improvement in my own emails over the last 25 days while writing this challenge. Practice may not make perfect, but it'll certainly help us to get better and better at what we're doing!

So to sum up today's post, keep working, keep learning, and keep writing. Before you know it, we'll be writing great copy without even having to think about it..and we'll be resonating with our subscribers on a whole different level :)

I hope you've enjoyed today's post as much as I've enjoyed writing it...please remember to click like and I welcome your feedback below.

The time has now come for us to do a little star gazing...all will be revealed tomorrow!

I'll leave you with my thought of the day...

Earn the trust of your audience and you'll always have an income!

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Reach For The Stars

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Another great read. " Have No Regrets "

Hi Bill, thanks bud. Yes for sure...lets make it a regret free zone :)

Once you feel you know it all, you stop learning. There is always something to learn if you open you mind.

If you watch the same movie twice, I'm pretty sure the 2nd time around you'll discover something you didn't notice the first time.

Learning increases our desire to discover more.

Hi Lorrie, I totally agree. I'm glad I ain't the only one who may on occasion watch the same movie more than once! Yes for sure, the more we feed our curiosity to learn...the more we want. Thanks for stopping by...and I hope you've been having a great day thus far.

Good points all, Anthony. Whenever I get too proud of what I've learned here at WA over the past 6 months, I get that sudden humility shock when I realize that what I know is just the tip of the iceberg compared to all the real knowledge out there about this business. Thanks.

Hi Warren, great comment. there is a mountain of info for sure...but luckily we don't need to know everything to make a successful business...we only need to get very good at a small section. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you are having a terrific day.

Hi Anthony, wise words of wisdom.

Thanks Irv, great to have you back

Hi Anthony, it's great to be back.

Another great episode. Jay

Cheers Jay, hope you've had a good day :)

Yes, doing 9 to 5 and fighting with a truck rental company on invoicing. Have a great one.

Those who think they know everything really annoy those of us that do, lol. I saw this on a t-shirt one time. I agree, there is so much more that we can learn, and will learn.

For sure Mike. I love that saying...I'll have to source one of those t-shirts and send it to my Ex :) Have a good day buddy

W0w!. this is winding up on Halloween eve Anthony!

Oh never occurred to me until you just mentioned it..spooky :)

Thanks for sharing this Anthony. Great post!

Cheers Christian, much appreciated. How was sunny London today :) It has turned so cold all of a sudden up in Norfolk today.

Hi there Anthony, It's been fairly mild but really windy here in London. I dragged myself away from writting a post for my website to take my dog for a walk earlier on. The poor little chap was sporting a new, windswept hair doo by the time we got home :)

Poor little fella. Yes my parents live in North London and they also mentioned how wild the wind is today. Hope all going well so far with your training.

I really enjoyed reading this. Thanks!

Hi Khoula, thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave such a positive comment. Have a great day

Thanks for sharing, Anthony.

Cheers Rog

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