The Tank Niche

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I have a few hobbies, one of them might sound a bit contradicting, because I am politically pacifist (in war always the non-military people pay the most), but I love tanks.

I was 12 when I first sit in a tank, when there was a family open day at the nearest military base. It was so cool, when the soldier put this helmet on my head and strapped in my neck. The helmet had speakers built in, and the strap had a vibrator that picked up the resonation from the throat area, that is how you could communicate, instead of having a microphone.

And of course the mounted .50 (no ammo of course) I was fascinated by the simple concept that is still used today.

I have seen tanks in my life in several different countries, but I mostly just like to read about them, building and collecting models of - mostly WWII - tanks, I have a rich encyclopedia collection about tanks, t-shirt, bed sheet, comics, and I love to play World of Tanks, whenever I have time for it.

The reason I am telling you that, because I need your help.

I have never made a website for this theme yet, mostly because when mentioning tanks, it brings in political (especially current) trash talk, while I just love tanks. Yes Russian tanks too. That usually brings in the warloving trolls.

So I would like to ask this community to help me ideas to build a website for this hobby/niche and possibly monetise it - no I don't want to be a weapon dealer affiliate lol.

Affiliating children toys is not my thing. I don't like kids, and children cannot appreciate tanks the way I do. So I would need an audience that would appreciate them like I do, and then find a way to monetise.

Anyway it's just for brainstorming. I don't need to start it tomorrow. Just something that has been in my mind.


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Recent Comments


Hey, Andy.

Since you have a few to several(?) Why not make a Hobbiest website focusing on the Hobbies that might pertain to Tanks? Or just Hobbies in general? Then you can have different categories, one of which would be Tanks.

Good Fortune


Great idea. Thank you JD.

Glad you liked it, Andy.


Hi Andy

Tanks are super cool machines and I've always wanted to ride in one! 😎

How about a website on the history of tanks?

Don't worry about trolls. You can moderate all website comments.

You can always monetize with display ads.

Frank 🎸

Hey Frank thank you. Yes it's true my website my rules. Great comment bro. Cheers.

You’re welcome, Andy. 😎

In the world of home and RV inspectors, radio-controlled tanks are attached to 360-degree cameras to document areas where the inspectors can't reach, like crawl spaces and underneath RV buses.

Maybe there is a micro-niche there.

That's great for one thank you.

You are welcome! I have one of those setups myself. It works great!

In answer to your question as to HOW to create the website, go to the Hub tab, and start there.

This will walk you through the steps needed to create the website.

Use the niche finder tool to refine the tank topic.

Ask Ai (ChatGPT, etc) for ideas on a tank website.

Specify the criteria you mentioned in your post, the things your want and/or don't want about your website.


No no. I'm a pro with the technical part of making websites. I just need help with ideas what kind of audience to reach with this theme.

Ahhh. Ok. You didnt clarify when you asled for help...

Then for ideas, use the niche finder tool, the Hub topic generator, and/or Ai to help you.


What a cool niche, and there is likely a large subset of people out there that would love to own there own army tank...perhaps people that want to protect their "farm". ;)

Thank you.

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