I figured something out
I figured something out.
I have such a hard time sticking to any sort of schedule. I even print out a monthly calendar for myself detailing what posts I want to do and what days I want to do them. For January I gave myself a fairly light calendar assuming I should be able to get it done.
But I'm already behind.
Tonight I figured out one of my main problems that gets me off-track. Depression.
I have struggled with it since my accident little over 10 years ago. I go in phases words worse and some phases words better. But I have noticed it doesn't take much to send me into a tailspin.
When I start going down the road it's hard to recover. I lose my drive and desire to do much of anything.
Anyway, I don't want to get into it too much and I'm sure you guys don't want to be reading this downer of a message anyway. I just needed someone to talk to.
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Hello Lynne! It is a great observation and reflection of self. Thank you for sharing. It is a huge step to even recognize it.
Remember we can and do change every moment. Nothing is permanent. Perhaps, focus on what you have accomplished instead of what you have not accomplished.
I also find appreciating the little things in life and looking at the big picture help me re-orienting my perspective.
Yes, definitely have someone to talk to is a great idea. Please Keep on sharing and soothe yourself into a better feeling within. We are here to support you!
Hang in there! Sounds like it's been with you for a while, but nevertheless you are still here and still wanting to work on your site.
Perhaps consider breaking the tasks you wanted to achieve in January into even smaller bites, like things you can do in 5 or 10 minutes. Then see if you can't complete even those small steps. You'll have accomplished something then, which hopefully will make you feel good about yourself.
Stay strong!
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Hey Lynne,
Reaching out to the community is a good thing.🎈
We are here to help you get through those down days.You are not alone
The goals you set for yourself can always be changed BY YOU.⚘
Nobody is making you do more than you can accomplish.
Girlfriend, the sky is the limit. Take your time and get where you want to be.
If you need to take with a trusted friend, PM me and I will help you through this phase. I am right here for you!❤
Maxine :-))