It Was Like You Gave Him a Million Dollars
A candid photo of a NYC police officer presenting a barefoot homeless man a pair of warm winter boots has gone viral. Looks like everyone can use a heartwarming story. Officer Lawrence DePrimo noticed the shoeless man in Times Square and did something about it. DePrimo said when he gave the man the boots, he smiled from ear to ear and "it was like you gave him a million dollars."
I bet Officer DePrimo feels like a million dollars right now. See article
It's the giving time of year.
I just received an email from a friend - Charity Warnings Think before you donate. Have you seen this one? It's quite frustrating as it mentions several extremely well know charities -
CEO salaries of 100K/month and only 5cents on the dollar going to the cause.
I checked it out on and just about everything stated in the email is incorrect.
If you do donate, check out the charity on a site such as Charity Navigator
Larry DePrimo is only 25 years old. He said he keeps the receipt for the boots in his vest to remind him that others "have it worse".
Thank you, Larry. You are an inspiration.
And kudos to the tourist who took the photo and posted it.
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I went and read the article. Made me think how much better it is when folks just show human kindness directly to an individual in need rather than through an organisation that probably consumes much of the monies collected by volunteers, like you pointed out with the CEO salaries. I had no idea about that.
Even so, many organisations do great work in helping people in need and they probably do their best to keep expenses to a minimum, hopefully.
Thanks Lisa, glad you chose to post this, Rob:)
I saw this going around Facebook and it just brought a huge smile to my face. With so much negative in this world it is so refreshing to see positive stuff happening.
Thanks for letting us know about the Charity Navigator. That's a great website for anytime of the year. ;)
What a wonderful world this would be if all of us had DePrimo's heart. I love stories like this and find myself motivated to help others more. I have found a great deal of it here at WA. Strangers helping strangers. Willing to help. As my six year old grandson would say..."Oh yeah Baby, now that's what I'm talkin' bout!!!" Thanks for the post. All the best Imc.
Hey David. Yes, I agree people here do pay it forward, it's what makes this place so different.
Everything's going good Lisa. A little hectic though. Have to manage my current job, WA and website. And, some college friends are home, so having fun with them too. As they say, a perfect balance between work and fun. So, its really nice.
What about you?? Hope you are having a good time too!! :)
This officer shows what we all should be doing- helping one another. The world has gotten away from caring about each other and only caring about material things. Even those who profess their faith in God, or whomever, they forget that giving is far better than receiving. If we could just turn the clock back to when life was slower and kinder, what a wonderful world it would be.
I love this too, everything about it ... the genuine humanity of the police officer that must've warmed his new friend's heart far at least as much as his feet. It's just so easy when we pay attention. Thanks for this. P :)
You're right. It's easy to look away. What's so nice about it is that he was doing it in private, never wanted the publicity.
The nice thing about the story is that the NYC police department is getting lots of good publicity now,also the shoe store that sold them half price.
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It's always great to give especially to those who cannot give back to us. Thank you for sharing. Great story, really touching.
Glad you read it Tazil. Hope your day is going well.