Best proof that you can get back in the game when deleting old blog posts!

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Hi everyone!

Do not be afraid to delete non-performing blog posts that hardly got you any traffic at all!

I know, why delete posts that still got a few clicks? I hear you, you put hard work into them (did you really? ).

I needed to realize why some of the 15 posts that I deleted weren't ranking, learn from that, and to move on. (even though I thought back then that I worked hard on them)

Don't forget to redirect them though!

Yes sure, I didn't just delete posts, but since about April this year, I have also updated quite a few older blog posts:

- check out the competition: what are they doing better then you?

- did you answer peoples 'also ask' questions?

- have you looked for SLI keywords and updated the title , first paragraph and headings?

- do you have enough internal links to that post?

Yes I know, that is a lot of work, and for me this also meant that I could only add 1 or 2 new blog posts per week, but now I'm almost through and we can move forward even more and faster with the help of ChatGPT!

I'm back in the game b***hes! (google, gotta love or hate them haha)


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Your posts make me think about some of my content! Thanks for sharing.

you're welcome Anne!

Great insight and information, Lizzy. Thank you for sharing!


thanks mike

Very well done, Lizzy!


thanks Jeff!

You're very welcome, Lizzy!


This is why you'll always be one of my favourites Wackies, Lizzy.

You read something, you understand it, you see how you can apply it to your website, you throw a bit of "Lizzy Magic" on it, and then BOOM!!

Plus, I think we all know the feeling of "I don't wanna delete it because I put so much effort into this (did you really!! LOL)"

But, if some of your content isn't serving any purpose, this could just be a sign that there's simply no interest in it, or that you may never rank for it.

In other words, it could be dragging your website down as a whole.

The same as we may prune away "dead leaves" on a plant, I have no qualms with doing the same on your website.

If an article's only getting 1,2,3 views a month after being online for years, it may just be that no-one's interested in that topic (we DON'T have to rewrite everything)...

Well Done Lizzy


Thanks Fellow Wackie haha!

Haha, that’s great, Lizzy!👍😎

I’ve been having ChatGPT 4 read my lower ranking posts, using the WebPilot plugin, and compare them to the top 3 posts on Google page one.

I’m getting slow but similar results, with about 25K sessions per month, and hoping to continue to climb.

Your bounce rate drop is super-impressive! Is that all from updating and deleting poor performing posts?

Rock On!🤘
Frank 🎸

I have no clue about the bounce rate Frank, might be so? thanks! And good for you that you are climbing as well, rock on!

Yeah, it would make sense, Lizzy.

If visitors are finding posts more useful then they would stay on them longer, but you updated and deleted 15 posts out of hundreds, so that’s what got my attention with your bounce rate.

Even if you only have 200 posts (which I suspect you have a lot more), that’s merely 7.5% of your total content, yet you got a 60% drop in bounce rate.

That’s a bit odd, even to a Rock N’ Roll guitar player! Hahaha 🙃

Lol, nobody ever said that Google has to act in a linear manner. 😄

Anyway, big congrats! 👍🥳🎉

I would take the rest of the week off to celebrate that one! 😃

Rock On! 🤘🔥⚡️⚡️⚡️🔥
Frank 🎸

well, because of the deleting, I am left with just over 200 posts hahaha!
What I also did was: 1: change host ( yep ;-) ), and 2 remove adds from posts with a lot of affiliate links.
thanks again and keep rocking!
(no rest for the wicked haha)

Removing ads from those pages makes sense from a “spammy” and sales point of view.

Changing hosts, now that’s interesting! 🤔

You’re doing a “wicked good” job, Lizzy! 👍👍😎

Frank 🤘🎸

well yes, very interesting hahaha! Back to work thanks!

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