Driving Out of the Fire

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This was a couple of weeks ago but I just decided to share what it looked like as we were driving out of the thick smoke from the fires N. California towards Truckee and Lake Tahoe near the California/Nevada border.

It was such a relief to get out of the smoke!!

We had a little break after we returned home but now there are some new fires and the smoke has returned.

My heart goes out to anyone who has had to evacuate or has lost people, pets or property to the fires. We need rain so bad, hopefully October will bring some.

Things were looking much better at the lake... it is such a beautiful, clear lake. ❤️

We were able to take kayaks on the lake and ride bikes on the mountain.

It was our first trip since Dec 2019 because everything was locked down starting in March 2020. It was so nice to get away for a few days!

This was at the time Jay's challenge came through and I was able to write most of my article for the challenge while I was away as well as another article that I published to my site.

I know this isn't a real valuable post so I'll keep it short. I'm trying to get over my fear of blogging at WA!

Thanks everybody, have a wonderful day!


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Hi Lisa. I love your post. I found it valuable. It made me think about the importance of being grateful, always. While some of us tend to complain about the small inconvenience of having to stay at home against our wills, others are losing their loved ones and properties. Thank you for sharing and reminding me of what is important. Wish you all the best in your endeavors.

Thank you very much Thokozile for bringing out the value you found in my post.

You are right about being grateful, thank you for reminding me again. We can soon forget without reminders.

I wish you all the best and I'll see you around WA.

Thank you Lisa.

Well done, Lisa, and I love the lake image!


Thanks Jeff. It never gets old!

It certainly doesn't!


The lake does look idyllic and vast. A beautiful place to commune with nature, oh and do some work.
Thank you for this Lisa, it's nice to be reminded that these places exist.

It is so beautiful. There are so many beautiful places on earth I haven't seen but yes they still exist and we will all be able to get to our favorite nature spots again! Hopefully soon.

I'll second that.

What a terrible situation. I wish I could send rain.

Blogging here is a great way to get experience. Keep it up.


Oh, I wish you could too Debbi!

Thank you!

Glad you and your loved ones are safe Lisa. Really hope that all the fires will die out soon.

This is a lovely post so keep on writing here as well as on your site.

All the best

Thank you, I appreciate that so much Carol.

Thanks for your encouragement about writing too, I'm so silly. Always trying to push past fear of some sort or another!

You are welcome Lisa. That is nature. You just need to push on through with things that are a tad uncomfortable for now.

I don't write much here nowadays (apart from commenting) but I do have a stack of ideas piled up for once I do start again. Looking forward to that.

Hope I will read plenty more of your posts soon.

Oh good, I look forward to seeing some of those ideas put into writing.

I had a goal of just 3 WA posts in September... this is my first! 🙄

Hey, if I do 2 tomorrow I can still make it!

Great! It is very rewarding to accomplish one's goal even though it may be only part of it. Keep it up!

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