Sydney Australia September 2003

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September 2003 - no it is not my birthday in September, nor was it of importance, not my childrens or grandchildrens birthdays.

However, September 2003 WAS probably the most significant time than any other in my life. So yet why do I forget about it? Why?

As time goes by we tend to forget things, we just get on with life, let 'things'' get in the way. We neglect the highlights, forget the achievements, the conquers. These times we should be remembering, those achievements, conquers, the highlights but we don't! (if you are one of the exceptional, then I commend you).

Fire in our souls

Learning to love ourselves has a lot to do with it, learning to understand that we are important and that we deserve everything in life that we wish and desire. Learning to put ourself first, (for many of us that is classed as being selfish). No, it is not selfishness. it is what we are put on this earth for. To be the best we can be. We need fire in our souls.

So, it is not until we learn to remember, learn to recognise, learn to pat ourselves on the back and to appreciate ourselves as to how very important we are in our life, that we put ourselves in places where we know we have kindred, like-minded others who understand, others who are on the same 'wave length', others who will help you along the way that we realise life is for the living, for the adventures and the passions we have deep within us.

So where does September 2003 come into play here..

I walked the fire at the Tony Robbins, "Unleash the Power Within' four day awakening weekend. ....During those four days we did the most intensive workshops.. sleep deprevivation, letting go of fear, taking control of our lives. But what really blew me away was the fire walk was achieved 7hours after the beginning of this weekend.... WITHIN 7hours Tony had us in a place of mind control which enabled the majority of us to feel powerful enough to walk those hot coals and the feeling was euphoric!

BUT. ..................I'd forgotten, I'd let life get in the way, I'd let others command my time and I lost my dreams and goals, but fortunately I have a very dear friend, who, when finding out of my accomplishment, now reminds me frequently


Hell yes I did!


What an achievement that is! What an absolute conquer that was!

So this folks, a little encouragement to us all, me in particular... Do not forget about the important conquers, achievements, successes we have along the way. Do not let 'other things' get in the way of what you can and are very capable of achieving. Remember those dreams and goals. Remember what you want out of life and go do it, walk those coals as hot as they maybe (figurevity speaking), because having found this platform at Wealthy Affiliate I've again realised that HOT is R E A L L Y good.

And it is all about mind over matter.

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Recent Comments


Well done Linda, it sounds so easy, mind of matter but letting go of past luggage and negative thoughts is not easy. To be successful, however, let go we must. Thank you for sharing Linda.

Couldn't agree more Harvey. Thank you. Linda

I couldn't agree more!
Remembering and recognising the achievements we conquer is something most people (including myself) tend to neglect.

Thank you for this reminder! It is taken to heart! :)

Best wishes,

Thank you Michael. I really appreciate your comment and hearing that you enjoyed my blog. - Linda

Hi Linda
I remember the day I saw this achievement on the wall in your home and I was absolutely taken back by what you had done.
You are a superb woman and an amazing friend and you need to realize this every more and more as you are a success in one awesome person.
I wish I'd been there to do this weekend and one day I hope I will get the opportunity to experience this incredible feeling and experience of self-empowerment.
My favourite post today thank you Linda :)


Thank you my friend Vickic3...... I love your encouragement and belief in me. - I'd love to do the weekend with Tony again some day, just for fun. - Linda

You are welcome - you truly are awesome my friend
wehoo- same:)))

Thank you for the encouragement. It's always good to get the "extra push" that we need on certain days (I was just too tired today).

Thank you Victor. Yes I know I need that push on occasion. - Linda

That is fantastic that you did that first of all, and secondly thank you for letting people taking care of yourself first is not selfish!

Thanks Susan very much appreciated. We surely do need to put 'us' first. - Linda

Thanks for sharing Linda.

Thanks Les, my pleasure. Linda

Thank you Gina. I must continue to remember the achievement :)

Wow! What an amazing and inspiring achievement...congrats!

Thank you so much I appreciate you comment Cass. I agree remembering can be inspirational. - Linda

Way to go Linda, you are a legend!! Thank you for remembering and sharing! Cass

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