It Finally Happened!
Sooooooo excited. Taking the night off because I kind of had a hard day at my 9-5 job today. Sitting in my lazy boy I reach for my IPad to kind of browse WA and such. I then decide, hey why not check out my analytics and Adsense to see if anything is happening and wouldn't you know it........I made a whopping .71 cents today on my Adsense!!!!!
Ok I know it's peanuts but it is a start. I look at it as a snowball just starting to roll down the hill!! Just had to share.
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Thank you, I am sure with a bit of time I can move that decimal place a few places to the right.
That is 71 cents closer to that second million dollars you are aiming for.
(Always start on your second million, cuz the first million is just too hard!)
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Much more will follow!
Thank you I am looking forward to it.