Rules for All Businesses Like It Or Not

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The above pic is of a FMCSR management edition which I have and use daily. This particular one was printed by JJ Keller which is a prominent suppler of such related trucking information and other products.

That manual is quite thick as you can plainly see. It takes months to years to begin to clearly understand it all - and even then it does continuously change too.

You must adapt - or pay severe penalties too.

Interestingly enough the Real Estate regulations look like a little bitty pamphlet by comparisons.

Yet failing to comprehend the rules and requirements can put an agent out of business before he or she even realizes what's happening. All these factors are why getting and keeping good sources of information and training are critical to your own success.

While both real estate and trucking are heavily regulated - all other businesses are also regulated to one point or another - and ignorance will not protect you.

Be sure to learn the rules of whatever business you intend to start and run - including any online business.

Common problems with online businesses include failures to disclose affiliate and other sponsored relationships and very common trademark and or copyright infringements.

Do be sure to get adequate training and know what you can and can't legally do - otherwise you can be sued for more than you could ever make in your lifetime.

There is much more to running a business than simply throwing up a website - be sure to learn what you need to know BEFORE you step in something you cannot easily get rid of.

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There are rules we must adhere to in all businesses LD or the price will indeed be high!

Thanks for the share my friend and take care ok!

Wow, LD! A very important admonishment, my friend, especially in this day and age!


Hi LD.
Thank you for advice and share.

Slavka 👋

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