Day 11 as premium..“A Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” –Confucius


Hello everyone…today I feel positive and mentally rested after the past two days feeling mentally drained. I’m trying not to be hard on myself for not writing my articles yesterday but and at the same time not letting myself slack. I checked my to do list yesterday and I was able to check off my created Twitter account…that’s all. I’m not going to create Facebook account just focus on Pinterst, Google +, I mean that should be enough to keep me busy with posting updates!

What I did yesterday was brainstorm on my website. I printed out the live website by doing print screen and copy into word document. I needed the visual in front of me in order to know what goes where and made notes on that sheet and I carry it with me so that when I get another brilliant idea I modify the sketch for my website. I felt better doing this rather than doing it on the actual computer where you have to keep looking back and forth to see what change was done and what was written where. Another thing you can do is pin this like Pinterst on your room or home office and see it as a reminder what you need to do. Do not tuck it away if you are not going to open a file or notebook everyday…but when is visually somewhere it reminds you of your goals and get you focus again. If you have to write a agenda and place alerts on your phone so that you have a “secretary” reminding you of your goals.

Just remember there are others watching to see if you in fact will succeed at this. I know my skeptical husband is waiting for this day. This just fuels my motivation!

“A Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” –Confucius

You've made your single step here at WA now start your journey!

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That is a good idea and might just help me, thanks for sharing

You are very welcome!

You are welcome!

You are really an inspiration to me. Keep up the good work.

Thank you! Your words hit home :-)

If you set unrealistic goals it will only breed disappointment and eventually failure. Go at a sure but steady pace and you will be fine!

Please don't "beat up" on yourself.
Trying to move too quickly guarantees failure.
Beating yourself is tiring and self-defeating.
Taking a break can recharge your energy and actually allow you to make faster progress than had you struggled non-stop.
Beating yourself has no positive side.
Channel the effort into renewing your commitment to yourself.

Great quote to go along with where you are at in your journey. Keep working it!

Thank you!

Keep a good pace and don't overwhelm yourself. We can't chop down a tree in one stroke! As for Facebook, they are changing a lot of things to make more money; so you may be better of sticking with G+ and pinterest for a while.

I can so relate to what you are saying. The visual is a great tool to keep in check.. Thank you for the inspiration.

Thank you! I'm glad it inspired you!

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