Treat Your Business Like Education (If You Want Success)


Today, I want to discuss an important topic about perspective. We've been conditioned to follow a certain path in life: elementary school, secondary school, and for some, university.

During university, we spend a lot of money on education, anywhere from $40k to $100's of thousands, even up to a million dollars for becoming a doctor. But during this time, we aren't making any revenue from our education, while we are getting educated.

When starting a business, many expect to earn money immediately. I've seen people spend sixty thousand dollars on school with NO JOB and no revenue from their education, and then expect to earn from their business within a month (and sometimes for free).

If they don't, they quit. This logic is flawed.

You spend years in traditional education without earning a cent, but expect quick returns when building a business online. This expectation often comes from bold industry claims like "earn a thousand dollars by next week."

The reality is, the time and effort you put into your business is what you will get out of it.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Education Before Earnings: Just like traditional education, you need to invest time in learning before earning from a business.
  2. Realistic Expectations: Give yourself a realistic timeframe. It might take a year or two to build a successful business.
  3. Investment: A business requires time, effort, and sometimes money. Even a small investment can go a long way.
  4. Vast Opportunities Online: The internet offers vast opportunities with billions of people and millions of products you can promote.

Be realistic about the time and effort required. Sometimes, a small financial investment is necessary. Our starter membership allows you to "test" our platform and tools before making a full commitment.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Drop them in the comments below and let’s get the discussion going. :)

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Kyle, this is one of the reasons I believe starting an online business is great for those living single.

Instead of placing my money in entertainment I invest in WA Premium membership.

A month's membership is roughly 8 Starbucks Venti Frappes in my budget.

So I pay my membership first so I don't spend money on someone else's DREAM and invest in my own.

My education in business is way more important than a quick pick-me-up.

Great 👍 video lesson 😁
Shared to my network on LinkedIn

Hi Costello, good thing there! I kind of do the same now while I'm single since I have the time and don't spend much on going out nights etc.

One meal "out" these days can be an education and access to all the platforms/services/tools and mentorship you need to create and grow a business online. That never used to be a reality, and education costs at school are still $1,000's for a single course.

We have kept the costs the most efficient here, the education the most advanced, so you can skip out on a few "Starbucks Drinks" and be in position to invest in your education and your future. ;)

I really like your mindset. It speaks tons, Costello! :) Thank you for sharing.


It's my pleasure 😁

You are welcome, Costello!


Hi Kyle:

Thank you for sharing this valuable and realistic perspective about treating our business like education! Sometimes, I'm tempted to feel embarrassed because things are taking much longer than anticipated for the earnings to materialize.

I have come to accept the timing, which may be uniquely mine given my schedule and other obligations. I also value everything you continue to teach us, and the time I spend working on my business. It means everything to me.

I appreciate you and your team for all you pour into this platform!


I wouldn't feel embarrassed at all - there's always going to be a learning curve, whatever we do :) That's totally understandable.

Well when you put into perspective in school, it takes four years, just to get your diploma or degree, and that is the point in which you can actually start earning money. With an Internet business, you are going to be able to earn revenue well you are moving forward with the creation of your business, and learning high value skill sets.

Hi Abie:

It has been a long road time wise, but worth every moment learning and applying what I've learned. And for that reason, I press on!


Absolutely, Veron! Please keep us posted :)


Shoot I totally get the message here! I will tell you my opinion, we are in the age of instant gratification.

My intent is not to offend anyone, but the new generation has this gratification issue, and we are seeing an influx of the new generation. There are unreal expectations of building a lucrative business and the amount of time it takes to earn successfully with it. This is accompanied by a lack of commitment.

I hope this isn't too blunt or offensive.


And a lot of luck IMHO. Otherwise I don't see how it can work.

I totally agree, we are definitely at the age of instant gratification, and you see this more and more with the event of social activities, and shorter and shorter form content as time passes.

The not-so-ethical players build up the idea that you can start earning money immediately, playing into the instant gratification model. I hate seeing those online ads and how many people will fail with that analogy. People need at least one year before earning money; sometimes, it takes a little longer. But the more you put into it and the more patient you are, the greater your success will be. It does take money to get started and keep it going, but at the same time, it is a field you can enter with minimal investment. There is no real-world business, or brick-and-mortar business, that you can start with so little. But it is going to take money and time to invest first. There is no getting around that.

Great video, Kyle.


And there are definitely loss of these non-ethical players in this industry, or any industry for that respect where they’re trying to set up the ploy of instant, and that naturally overtime is convincing a lot of people that that can be a reality.

What I find interesting is that the same person that goes to school for four years, thinks that they can achieve massive success in one month within the online business words. They have a completely different perspective of what it takes to achieve success in business, versus what it means to go to school to become employee Which has Way less rewards and opportunity.

This is true of the four-year graduates. I got my degree later in life just because I wanted the training in web development, and if I was going to study for it, I found it prudent to get my degree. I was amazed at how many people I went to school with who had the unreasonable idea that the minute they got a diploma in hand, they would be able to start a business with no effort or step into a six-figure income. I hate seeing people here with lofty goals of making large amounts of money immediately or only joining because they want to buy a house this year or some such thing as that.


As a nursing student, finding reliable help for my essays has been a struggle, but these folks really know their stuff. Whether it's discussing healthcare ethics or diving into the latest nursing research, they've got it covered. If anyone else is in the same boat as me, struggling to keep up with assignments, I highly recommend giving them a try!

Welcome to Wealthy Affiliate and thanks for the information. College is a baptism by fire, but you can do it so hang in there. And as you will find out no one has to struggle for lack of reliable information on WA. If you need to know something, create a hub about it. The hub will bring the information to you. Then fact check using your university library or online resources like PubMed. Even though it's a little harder than someone doing it all for you. You will get a well written paper and also learn and retain more by doing it this way.

Yes Kyle you are perfectly right. Most of us tend to forget about monies we spent while in school. We are anxious to become millionaire as sooon as we step out of school without setting realistic goals (expectation).
To grow a business from scratch demand strategies commitment and time to get it running.

Yeah, we spend 4 years (or more) and $10,000's on an education, with the expectation to get a normal job. Yet we want $100,000's in passive income in the first year within the online world, without the time or any money investment. It doesn't add up, and for those wanting those numbers to add up, it is unlikely they will every achieve any level of success.

Indeed "t is unlikely they will ever achieve any level of success." I think this is a very crual subject that need to be part of step-by-step training and should be a welcoming address to new comers. This is because we joined WA with certain expection, thinking it can be realised within a short period of time. When this doesn't happen, frustration set in.

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