To Become One With Your Niche Means Success.


Hey Everyone!

Kyle here with a little Monday Motivation. Today, I want to talk about niches, specifically how to stay ahead of your business by becoming your niche and knowing everything about it.

When you start an online business, you naturally choose a direction for your business. That direction is your niche. It's the audience you're working with and helping. However, many people approach their business systematically, producing content, publishing it, and then waiting for results without advancing their knowledge within their niche.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Immerse Yourself in Your Niche: Don’t just create content and wait for results. Continuously educate yourself about your niche. Follow key influencers, learn about new products and services, and understand your audience's problems and pain points.
  2. Become the Expert: To become an expert, you need ongoing education. Constantly seek out new ideas and information. Treat your niche as your business, because that's what it is.
  3. Understand Your Audience: Know where your audience is getting stuck and what their pain points are. This will help you create content that truly helps them.
  4. Ongoing Education: Becoming an authority in your niche doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time and continuous learning. As you educate yourself daily, you'll eventually be viewed as the expert in your niche.

Share your comments, feedback, and any questions about establishing expertise in your niche in the comments below. Let’s get this conversation rolling!

Have a great week ahead!

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Hi Kyle
Thank you very much for this article...I agree wholly with the idea of growing into and being an authority for one`s niche.

Recently Dale published an article about " high ticket affiliate marketing".
I have studied other niches and now decided to go for tour and travel as a high ticket.
Please advise on the steps I should take to include this niche in my current website and hub here in WA as a Premium member.
Thanks, looking forward to your esteemed advice.


You should include topics that are relevant to your niche, so I would never recommend forcing certain things into your website and if you wanted to tackle a "new" niche, then you could build out another website to target that particular niche. That is what I would recommend. :)

Great video, Kyle! It's a good reminder that we are not just content creators but as subject-matter experts. All the keyword research in the world does not replace understanding our audience as well as their pain points, and this is what truly allows us to connect with people we can help.

Yes, absolutely! :)

Thanks so much Kyle, I appreciate your points !

I am in the silversmithing and art niche and I have been for over 20 years.

I do find I follow a lot of other creative artists and I am researching constantly literally on a daily basis.

I find that the issue present for me is other people see my talents and then want me on their team and their missions, hence I get dislocated on my own niche and business goals, haha it's insanity really.

Thanks for being the best service in your industry :)

Kind regards

Always some force pulling at us as entrepreneurs and creative thinkers, this does sound like it would be a passion project of yours though and a space that you could really have an impact within.

Perhaps this is a direction that you could head in the near future with a new niche site, but also focus is important. Sometimes we cannot take all the projects we want on at once, and have to focus on just a few and working to make those successful before we move on.

Thanks so much Kyle, I appreciate your reflections yes the force pulling me exactly spot on and it drives me so crazy sometimes haha

I have started a second niche for mental health and coaching and that is coming along nicely.

Thanks again :)


Hi Kyle:

Thank you for this motivational Monday word of wisdom! It's important to be ever learning and growing in order to build a successful business.

There are several steps that go beyond creating content for the ideal audience in any niche. Your key takeaways serve as a great guideline to taking the necessary actions to move forward.

I look forward to these timely tips.


Absolutely the case Veron, and thanks for sharing!

My pleasure, Kyle!

But kyle I greet you and love the video offer you give to us.
Actually here many clients still dought the online business what do I mean here so are still not convazant with computer applications.
Those of which don't even try a single login.
How can we convince such type of community.
They don't like to learn new ideas.
Thanks for keeping us up.

You shouldn't have to "convince" people to do anything, you simply want to help people out and then make recommendations on things that will further help them out. That is what I would suggest here, and this approach should be taken (and works) within any niche. :)

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