The Making Cinnamon Buns Niche is FULL of Opportunity.


Hey Everyone,

Today I want to discussan interesting and perhaps seemingly obscure niche: the cinnamon bun niche. We’ll explore the market size, potential audience, and the products and services you can promote within this niche to generate revenue. Let's break it down and see the opportunities this niche offers.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Market Size and Popularity: Even seemingly obscure niches like making cinnamon buns have significant market potential. An estimated 2-3% of the US population, nearly 10 million people, are interested in making cinnamon buns. When extrapolated globally, this number increases substantially.
  2. Product and Service Promotion: Within the cinnamon bun niche, there are various products and services you can promote. These include ingredients, baking tools, cookware, recipe books, decorating supplies, digital kitchen scales, storage solutions, baking mixes, kitchen appliances, and online baking courses.
  3. Revenue Opportunities: While promoting lower-ticket items like ingredients might yield smaller commissions, higher-ticket items such as kitchen appliances can result in more substantial earnings. For example, promoting a KitchenAid appliance could earn you $10 to $50 per sale.
  4. Establishing a Profitable Niche Website: By providing valuable content and building trust with your audience, you can recommend products and services that will benefit them. This can lead to a solid stream of income, even within a niche that might initially seem small.

Now, let’s explore the details of this niche, and how build an niche website dedicated to "making cinnamon buns" could really be a profitable and fun venture (if that is an interest of yours).

Exploring the Cinnamon Bun Niche

First, let's explore the market size of the cinnamon bun niche. Even seemingly obscure niches have significant market potential. For instance, about 2-3% of the US population, roughly 10 million people, show interest in making cinnamon buns annually. Extrapolating this number globally reveals a much larger audience.

Products and Services to Promote

Next, let's discuss the products and services you can promote within this niche. In the Wealthy Affiliate Hubs environment, you can find various categories of products and services relevant to making cinnamon buns. These include:

  • Ingredients: Promote various baking ingredients, often available on platforms like Amazon.
  • Baking Tools: Items such as mixing bowls, rolling pins, and measuring cups.
  • Cookware: Pans, baking sheets, and other essential baking equipment.
  • Recipe Books: Guides and cookbooks dedicated to baking and cinnamon bun recipes.
  • Decorating Supplies: Icing, sprinkles, and other decorative items.
  • Digital Kitchen Scales: Precise measuring tools for baking.
  • Storage Solutions: Containers and storage bags for keeping baked goods fresh.
  • Baking Mixes: Pre-made mixes for quick and easy baking.
  • Kitchen Appliances: Higher-ticket items like stand mixers, which can generate substantial commissions.
  • Online Baking Courses: Educational resources for aspiring bakers.
  • And MANY more..

Generating Revenue

Promoting these products can generate a range of commissions. Lower-ticket items like ingredients might yield smaller commissions, but higher-ticket items like kitchen appliances can result in more significant earnings. For example, a KitchenAid appliance could earn you $10 to $50 per sale. Imagine making one sale a day from this ONE affiliate program alone; that could translate to $1,500 a month.

Building a Profitable Niche Website

By creating valuable content and building trust with your audience, you can recommend products and services they need. This approach can lead to a steady income stream, even in a niche as specific as cinnamon buns. Establishing your expertise and providing helpful information will naturally drive traffic and generate revenue through affiliate commissions.

I hope this video has opened your eyes to the potential of the cinnamon bun niche. If you have any questions or feedback, or if you want to jump into the conversation, please leave your comments below. ;)

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Recent Comments


Hi Kyle:

This information about the success of just about any niche is encouraging as we may tend to give up when results are not immediate in our chosen niche.

It's important to remember that achieving our goals take time and dedication. Naturally, we have to exercise wisdom in discerning if a particular niche isn't the right one for us and move on, if necessary.

Thank you for this encouragement!


Yes, absolutely. Time + Dedication is the formula for success indeed. People that offer their business that, are those that I see succeeding at a very high rate. It is those that want something fast, and that will chase that at any cost (jump from thing to thing) that tend to fail over and over again.

Opportunity is within absolutely every niche, nurture it!

Great insight within the structure of this cinnamon bun niche.
Now, Kyle, I'm starting to worry about you and this niche. Its been a couple videos from you related to these cinnamon buns.Things can become an

Thanks for sharing the examples of opportunities on scaling a brand/niche.


Haha, if you see my face get progressively more round as my weekly videos go on you know that this niche is getting the best of me (and I am doing more eating, than selling). lol

Your awesome Kyle. I love the sweet things in life and being in this community does just that.


Haha! I actually laughed! Funny! We'll all be watching for that now!


Awesome, that is great to hear! Maybe we will throw a community cinnamon bun party one day! :)

I am currently done 2-day fasts every month to avoid the "roundness", so not any time soon but I won't leave "round face kyle" off the table.

Cool. I didn't realize all of the different aspects of the affiliate programs. I am going to explore that in much greater depth over the weekend. I may start posting affiliate links next week depending on my traffic flow. It is growing, but I don't want to be too premature with monetization when I am not getting a lot of traffic. I have to check that out first.

Thanks for these brief videos. They are very helpful!

I hope all is going well for you. 😎


Yes, definitely do Karin. Each and every Hub is going to reveal niches that you will be able to take advantage of. :)

That photo from "Preventing Cinnamon Buns From Being Too Dense" is to die for! Really striking. I love everything: food, beverages, and gourmet food. Sweet or candy is a plus. I appreciate it, Kyle. Thanks! :) Great example to learn from here.

I am snacking on Pistachio nuts as we speak, lol.

Love pistachios! Perhaps a niche for the future. We have a local bakery that makes amazing cinnamon buns, you can't beat a good one!

And as I dug into this niche and as Hubs revealed all of the "done for me" research I am starting to realize just how vast this niche really is.

Hello Kyle
This is a very interesting post . It gave me new ideas to keep..Thanks

Awesome Emma, glad you found it interesting and that is spurred some new ideas for you!

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