Is $96,000 Per Month Affiliate Marketing Possible?

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Hey everyone,

Today I want to chat affiliate marketing. To be more specific, I want to discuss the "revenue" component of affiliate marketing. Sometimes it is easy to get lost in the complexities of what you are doing, and forget about the simplicity of the process in which you make money online.

Also I want to help you find out about the essential groundwork that can make or break your journey online. This isn't just about choosing the right products to promote; it's also about creating a strong initial foundation for your business.

Now what is this foundation? Well, it involves setting up your websites, honing your brand, and driving quality traffic to your offers.

Your VERY FIRST task is to build a Hub for your business. This is your home base.

Once your hub is accomplished, half of the STEPS to success are already done. Let's look at the 4-step process to success.

  • Step 1: Choose Niche/Direction (DONE)
  • Step 2: Build Website..and Brand (DONE)
  • Step 3: Get Traffic (NEXT STEP)
  • Step 4: Make Money with Affiliate Programs (LAST STEP)

So as you can see, the next focus shifts to generating traffic. We're not talking about just any visitors, but rather folks who are interested and ready to engage with your content. This is "relevant" traffic.

These are the people most likely to click through your affiliate links and make purchases. So, your website must not only look good but also be filled with compelling, valuable content that resonates with your audience.

Easier said than done, right?

Well it's recently been sped up drastically with the Hubs + Designer + Author combo available to you here (currently Premium Plus+ for authors, but soon Premium as well). This allows you to create content more efficiently than ever, get rankings (traffic) in search engines more efficiently than ever, and get to the MONEY quicker than ever.

Now let's move our attention to the money part...

Affiliate Earnings: A Realistic Breakdown.

OK, let's look at some hypothetical numbers, to help you understand the earning potential of affiliate marketing. This may also lend you a "road map" to your own goals within the online world, and how many affiliate sales you need to make to get there.

Let's say you are in the travel industry, promoting "white sand beach" vacations. One of the affiliate programs that you could choose is the "Sandals" affiliate program, which pays start at 4% commission on vacation packages.

Sandals Affiliate ProgramSay the average booking is $1,250 or so (that is conservative) for vacation packages, and you earn $50 commission on that.

You've picked a product to promote as an affiliate that offers an average $50 commission. There are MANY products that pay commissions comparable to this or higher, so this is realistic across ANY niche.

A common mistake is to dream big without understanding what daily achievements can look like. For instance, I want you to picture making just ONE sale a day.

Doesn't sound like much, right?

But in reality, that's $1,500 per month and here's how.

Now, imagine scaling that to three sales a day. Or 10 sales per day. Remember there are 5.5 BILLION people online, so in many respects, even 10 sales per day is still underwhelming compared to your potential within a niche.

1 sale per day = $1,500 per month in revenue
3 sales per day = $4,500 per month in revenue
10 sales per day = $15,000 per month in revenue

In affiliate marketing, consistent, small wins can compound into significant income and one thing I have learned over the years is that if you can make 1 sale per day, you typically can make MANY more (10+) simply by doing more of what you are already doing.

Of course, this isn't about wishful thinking but rather nailing that first sale, then the second, and so on. Getting that initial traction requires a strong foundation. That means a captivating website, valuable content, and marketing strategies (SEO initially) to pull in traffic.

Now, let's be clear: achieving this level of sales doesn't happen by chance. It requires effort, consistency, and giving yourself time to achieve success. You can't expect 10 sales per day, if you have just built your website, but a year or two from now, this could be a reality with consistent effort.

The WA Affiliate Program: Breaking Down the Recurring Revenue Model.

Let's look at another example of affiliate commissions. One that is near and dear to the platform and us of course.

I want to highlight specifically the Wealthy Affiliate (WA) Premium Plus Yearly Membership, which is not only our best membership here, it has the biggest savings.

Premium Plus+ Commissions - $320 recurringThis isn't just about showing you some impressive numbers; it's also about understanding the mechanics behind these figures.

The WA Premium Plus+ yearly offers a JUICY incentive: a $320 recurring yearly commission. Yes, recurring every year.

Now, let's do some similar math on this.

If you manage to get one sign-up a day, that's going to translate to $9,600 monthly. This yearly model is is great because it's not just about the initial sale; it's about building a consistent, passive revenue stream...and that is revenue that will recur next year when your referrals stick around for another year. Let's say this happens at just a 50% rate, next year you are going to earn $4,800...even if you are no longer actively promoting WA.

That is the beauty of the recurring revenue affiliate model.

Three sales per day might seem like a stretch when you're just starting. But guess what? They are entirely possible with the right strategy and effort. Again, if you can make one sale, it becomes a matter of doing more of the same to amplify your sales (and to scale your business.

Let's look at the same breakdown with this affiliate commissions structure:

1 sale per day = $9,600 per month in revenue
3 sales per day = $28,800 per month in revenue
10 sales per day = $96,000 per month in revenue

Three daily sign-ups could mean a whopping $28,800 per month. And if you step up your efforts to achieve 10 sales a day, you're looking at an eye-opening $96,000 monthly revenue.

If your life depended on it, do you think you could get 10 people per day out of 5.5 BILLION to join the best service in the affiliate marketing world?

What would you do to achieve this level of success? The numbers are there. The product/service and affiliate program is there. The task is of course getting there, but it requires effort, strategy and time.

I really hope that you're starting to see the picture. It's not about overnight success. It's about laying a strong foundation, choosing the right programs, leveraging effective tools, and driving targeted traffic - that's your ticket to tapping into this lucrative recurring revenue stream.

Tackle Today's Affiliate Marketing Boom.

I'm going to tell you that we're living in an unprecedented time for affiliate marketers. With more affiliate programs than ever, more traffic than ever, and a vast array of products to promote, the potential for revenue is truly HUGE.

This isn't just about making a few extra dollars either; it's about building a viable, thriving business with affiliate marketing as the foundational "business model".

You're going to find out that the key to success lies in harnessing these opportunities effectively.

New AI-assisted technologies that we have integrated here within WA like Hubs, Content Designer and Author tools are changing the way we build out and scale our businesses...and the speed at which you can do this has never been this fast.

Choose something that resonates with you...something you're passionate about, and use that to fuel your affiliate marketing efforts.

So what's stopping you? Let's make 2024 your year. The Year of the Affiliate is here!

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Recent Comments


Thanks for all the information Kyle. I joined premium today and hope that I will soon find the time to continue and that our internet will be fixed by next week. I am keen but all these things are very frustrating and delay my work! Really looking forward to getting into it!

Awesome, congrats on going Premium and it has been great working with you thus far! As you move forward and get your internet access back, you will be able to jump into the core training and move forward with your business. Let me know if you need anything at all moving forward. ;)

There you again Kyle, straignt forward and just throwing it out there. I like it. I love that aspect about you.

People, people, people, if you are having a hard time putting your head around this just break it down to the rediculas. For instance if you are getting off to a slow start and you are building but somewhat slower and you are only doing 5 per month. That woud be 1600 per month commission.

Next year if you are still here and 50% of your team stay with you, you will have a recuring 800 per month and if you have increased your efforts to 10 per month. That would be 3200 commission plus the 800 recuring commission, now you are earning 4000 per month.

It's all about the numbers. Numbers don't lie, people do but numbers never lie.

Get in it to win it and just do the work and the numbers will take care of themselves.

And just think about all the people you helped to do the same thing. It's all a win win scnerio for all.

"A successful man is one who can't count the number of other successful people he helped to the top." - Orlando A. Battista.

Thanks Kyle!


It's a calculation, and there are the numbers not only on the audience side of things, but on the products/services we can promote as affiliate marketers. I always encourage folks to "know the math" of what their goals are, and understanding the value of what they are promoting, combined with the number of items they need sale on a daily basis, the formula is laid out.

Then work to make it happen. The sky is the limit, and anything is possible with effort.

Hi Kyle!

Awesome explanation of the earnings that are possible in affiliate marketing!

Now we have to be willing to do whatever it takes by first laying our strong foundations and following through with the other aspects so that we can tap into the lucrative world of affiliate marketing.

Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend. Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

Yes, absolutely. Carve out your financial goals, and then build a path to get there! :)


Hi Kyle. Thx for the excellent post.
I have one question:

What are some affiliate conversion rates that can help as an indicator of success? I have in mind a certain percentage of conversion, like, say, 1 or 2% for e-commerce (which tells you that you are already achieving some success). I hope you understand what I mean :)

It really depends on the program, our conversion rate from "free" to "premium/p+" is around 10%, and we are working with folks to get this closer to 15% which is on the HIGH end for freemium style services (average is 2% for freemium services).

Yes yes yes, 2024 is my year - I have waited for this my whole life ( well 30 years to be exa ct), I'm going to give it my all, I have to my family depends on me to come through for them.....
BTW i noticed that the membership has been reduced? is that correct? I hope so cos we Aussie's are paying a hefty amount each month for the membership.

2024 is definitely your year, but so will 2025 as it will be an extension of all of your accomplishments next year.

The membership fees have not changed, they are always billed in USD, so being in Australia they will fluctuate based on the dollar exchange.

Oh I see the $58 shown above is for the $697 yearly amount, I thought it was reduced to $58 from $99?

Kyle, thanks a million!!!

It's always important to remember this is a journey that takes time and dedication to see results. And, it's always easy to give up when nothing seems to be showing up in the beginning or even later on.

Look at the process similar to sowing and reaping. We have to put in the work to prepare the soil and plant the seeds. Some will come up before others. But, we can't quit or impatiently dig up the seeds to see what's taking it so long to sprout.

This kind of encouragement won't do the work for us; it certainly helps to remind us that we must keep on putting in the work diligently. We have a great community here, and it makes a world of difference in helping each other along the way.

I'm determined to work towards the harvest!


Sowing, and then reaping the rewards of your "yesterday" or "last year" efforts. That is how this works, the time and energy you spend on your business pays off later and often time forever.

And it has to start with one sale, before you can get to 1 per day....or 10 per day. ;)

Thank you for the insightful reminder of starting and continuing on the path to one's success.
We often lose sight and get caught up in all the other "noise" around least I know I do at times.
I'm glad to be back on a path that will take me to success, in the way I want to reach it.

It is easy to lose sight of our financial goals, when we are lost in our day to day activities. Sometimes it is good to pull out a calculator and to see just how viable it is to earn a 6-figure income (or more) within the online world.

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