Get Rid of Your Phone If You Want to Accelerate Success?


Hey Everyone,

Welcome to Monday Motivation! Today, I want to talk about something prevalent in today’s world: our addiction to mobile phones.

And it's not just the younger generation anymore. Rarely do I go out for dinner or anywhere without seeing people constantly on their phones. It's common for people to watch TV and be on their phones, sit at a dinner table and use their phones, and even try to work and be productive while on their phones.

Key Takeaways for this

  1. Be Conscious of Phone Usage. Use your phone less and be mindful of how much time you spend on it.
  2. Impact on Productivity. Excessive phone use dips into your productivity and ability to learn. Many people waste hours daily on their phones.
  3. Statistics on Usage. People under eighteen spend at least four hours a day on their phones. Adults are not much better in terms of phone usage, we kill a good percentage of our days on our devices.
  4. Tools to Limit Usage. Use phone settings to limit certain apps and utilize apps to stop other apps from working after a set period.
  5. Benefits of Reducing Phone Time. Increased productivity, better mental health, more time for creative tasks, building your business, learning, and spending quality time with family and friends.

Be aware of this because the more you use your phone, the less you are utilizing your time resources for something else...and likely something productive that can advance you in business and various aspects of your life. I just wanted to share that.

I would love to hear your feedback on this. It's a relevant topic these days, with legislation being built around it in certain governments and states. We are all overusing technology and wasting time on it, which is cutting into other activities we could be doing in our lives.

Jump into the comments below. I’d love to hear your feedback on this topic!

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Hi Kyle:

I totally agree with you on the topic of limiting phone usage for better productivity.

A few years ago, I made the decision to not own or watch television. This decision freed me up to concentrate on the things that are more meaningful such as writing, building websites, and working on my entrepreneurial endeavors in general.

The time spent at Wealthy Affiliate is more beneficial than excessive time spent with things that primarily serve as distractions.

Thank you for sharing those helpful tips.


I bet that freed up a lot of time. I am not a huge TV watcher, as I don't have the time to do it...and it takes a personal commitment to go turn on the TV and watch it. The thing is, with your phone there is the mix of business, personal communication, and time waster.

So you have to be much more careful, as they can all often times blend and they are all just a swipe away from one another. I think we need to give our use conscious thought as it happens, and develop positive habits when using our devices....otherwise the wast can really spin out of control.

Ohooo!!!!!. Our productivity has already been affected due to crazy mobile phones. May we be saved from the evil of the phones and its addictions. I am busy learning how to leave it for some 3 to 6 hours without touching it, and is going well, if i manage that, i will increase to 10 hours and so on, until i will manage to only use it great need.

Thank brother Kyle for the good advice.

God bless

Yeah, it takes practice actually to be able to avoid using it at all...and when you leave it somewhere, it feels like part of you is missing. It is our new "crutch" whenever we have a free moment, and often times, when we don't.

If people stopped using their phones even 50%, they would reclaim weeks of productivity back into their lives every year! :)

Smartphone addiction leads to a decrease in productivity in work and our personal lives as I know at hand due to mental health struggles which I’m not victimising this is my issue from engaging in over usage. With so much information available it’s decreased attention span increases stress from the pressure to always be available challenge In completing tasks that take longer causing burnout. Anxiety due to the presence of a phone and performance is worse. Depression is increased and changes in brain grey matter it’s connected to the central nervous system which enables individuals control movement, memory and emotions which is similar to that of substance abuse from cell phone drains.

Absolutely, there are a lot of adverse impacts to spending too much time on your phone, and with the increased usage by everyone with their devices, we are leaning towards more and more wasteful activities, and focused much less on productivity tasks (or being "present" with those around us)>

Great points you have made here Toni, very true. Thanks for sharing!

Great Message Kyle, my situation is a bit different though, i use my mobile phone for content creation and almost everything WA related. Because of my work routine I'm not always at home and I don't carry my laptop around, so I had to get used to doing everything on my phone.

Absolutely, phones are great for education, and for productivity as well. So if you are using it for that, great. I was more referring to jumping on your phone to fill time with activities that are real time wasters (like scrolling through social media).

I couldn't agree more with your comments Kyle. Here in the UK, it is against the law to drive while holding a mobile phone, and if caught doing so the fine and points on your licence are quite severe. Therefore, the sensible ones amongst us simply don't pick up the phone while driving. I am trying to adopt that attitude when I am at home and working by restricting "pick-up" time.

Yeah, it is illegal here to use devices while driving. I like the idea of having a "fee" to pick up your phone though, perhaps every time you pick up your phone for the sake of social, you have to do something healthy. Like watch a training video, or do 10 push-ups, write an article, get a comment on your website, or read a page of a book, etc.

That way you are evening out your wasteful activities with productive ones. I like it!

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