3 Simple Tips to Stay Motivated Every Week


Hey Everyone,

Mondays often come with mixed emotions, some weeks, you’re ready to conquer the world; other weeks, it feels impossible to even get moving. The good news is that motivation isn’t something you need to "wait" for, it is something that we can all initiate and create.

Here are three simple strategies to help you stay motivated every week.

1. Reflect on Last Week

The first step to staying motivated is to look back at the prior week. Spend just a minute or two asking yourself:

  • What went well last week?
  • What could I improve on?

Write your answers down. This quick reflection helps you learn from past experiences and keeps your goals aligned. It also helps us understand unfinished tasks from the prior week, that we can then align with this weeks' schedule.

When we acknowledge our wins and pinpoint areas for growth, we hit the week running with a lot of clarity1

2. Set One Main Goal

One of the biggest mistakes people make is trying to tackle too much at once. I know first hand, I do it all the time (though I do try to catch myself in the act). That is why every Monday I work to set out to accomplish one MAIN (and bigger) goal.

Why one? Because small wins build momentum. Whether it’s completing a new transition to a different theme design, hitting a content milestone, or dedicating time to learning something new like Youtube, having a clear and more substantial target keeps you focused and productive.

3. Reward Yourself

We has humans thrive on incentives, based on performance or outcome.

Because of this I try to set a reward for achieving my bigger weekly goal. It doesn’t have to be extravagant...a relaxing evening, a coffee break, a beer at the end of the week (like I do with my Beer With Kyle Fridays') or even watching your favourite Netflix series can be the reward.

When you tie effort to a reward, the work feels more worthwhile, and you’re more likely to stay consistent.

What's Your Big Goal This Week?

Staying motivated doesn’t need to be complicated. Reflect, set a goal, and reward yourself. It is that simple. Start your week with these three steps, and you’ll find it easier to maintain focus and momentum, no matter what challenges come your way!

What’s your main goal this week? Share it in the comments, I would love to hear what you’re working on. ;)

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Hi Kyle:

Thank you for sharing your three tips for staying motivated: Reflect, Set a Goal, and Reward Yourself.

My method has been to reflect at the end of each day with my prioritized list of things to do, check off what was done, reprioritize what was not done that day, and set my goals for the next day. I also analyze what went well and what needs to be improved.

I could combine my daily reflections to include a weekly one as you suggested. These daily bite-size evaluations help me to keep on top of my schedule and stay motivated in my daily life.


That's great Veron, thanks for sharing!

Tks Kyle--those were awesome tips for motivation. My weekend was very busy and extended into Monday, so on Tuesday I was able to view this video. I did, however posted my WA link to others and tried to also tried to share the WA opportunity on FB--didn't seem to be allowed and will have to find another location to share.
Because of my overloaded weekend, I haven't had the time to work on my business hub and quite frankly I want to take more time to think and plan my building strategies.
For now I just want to concentrate on referring others to WA and would appreciate suggestions for sites to do so.
Thanks again for your contact and many thanks to other WA affiliates that have responded to me and/or following me. Anita Alicea

Excellent, glad you enjoyed those tips.

What happened when you attempted to share your affiliate link to WA on Facebook, it should work fine. You can test sharing content on there as well, something to consider as well. :)

And yes, take your time and if you need a hand with anything at all as you move forward Anita, just ask!

My Monday was taken over by a main water line break in my front yard, so I only worked a half day and no Wealthy Affiliate training today. I was lucky enough to have good friends via phone help me through the process of fixing it myself. I guess this week, Tuesday will be my Monday due to unplanned events. I like your strategy!

Ugh, no fun Rod. Water issues are never all that pleasant to deal with, but it is great to hear that you have friends that you can rely to help you out when you need it!

Weeks like this happen, and we just need to go with the flow (no pun intended), and rework our weeks based on things that happen outside of our control.

I hope the rest of your week finishes off much better than it started!

Good morning Kyle,

I always look forward to your Monday motivational tips!

I try and take Mondays off this time of year from my offline business, it gives me a full day to work on my online business, which I really enjoy.

I think I almost work better under pressure; in other words, when I'm busy, I seem to have a better output. Traditionally, I used to work almost every Saturday until about two years ago, however, Saturdays have always been my worst day for productivity. I wonder if this is due to being busy all week long. I do know that more people are at home on a Saturday, so I get more distractions when I'm working my offline business.

My goal this week is to have a series of draft videos to upload to YouTube, I want to have a steady stream of videos that I can upload daily or schedule rather.

Do you ever have days when you want to work, but you can't get your act together, Kyle? Maybe that could be another Monday motivational video. Sometimes, I think we need to stop completely and just take a total break. With computers and smartphones, it's very easy to keep working, but we all need to take a step back sometimes.

Sorry, I may have digressed slightly from your question.

Have a great day.


Awesome, sounds like your Monday's are your FULL productivity days. It is neat to hear about people's schedules, and how they work them. Yours is no different, as you have a unique work flow that works for you.

Sounds like you have a productive week slated as well, and good luck with your Youtube side work.

And yes, I have days where I simply have low productivity days and where I don't get much done. Or where my brain is just not thinking creatively, and I tend to turn this into support days (or sometimes I just go work in my yard).

Nobody is productive 100% of the time, we all have our ups and downs in that respect. ;)

Good morning Kyle,

I really try and make the most of Mondays, Kyle, I must admit the time absolutely flies by! But it is a great opportunity to get quite a few tasks carried out that I may not have completed if I hadn't taken Monday out.

Thank you for the good wishes regarding YouTube.

It's actually quite refreshing to hear that you have days when you don't get much done, Kyle; it's something that I can't imagine happening to you! You always seem to be very busy on the platform and popping in and out of live chat, etc. It's kind of refreshing knowing that I'm not the only one! I mean that in a good way!

That is very true that know one is productive 100% of the time, even if it seems like they might be. I'm sure that going into your garden or yard must be very therapeutic, as I believe it's something that you really enjoy, which is fantastic. I don't know which part of Canada you are in, but maybe you're covered in snow at the moment, which is ideal for being in the garden or working in the garden!

A very happy Wednesday to you.


My Big Goal this week is to finish phase 4 of the training and post 1 new article a day.

Tomorrow is something I have been doing for a few weeks now and I get a lot of reading, studying etc. done. Its called "No TV Tuesdays" lol

Tks for the tips Kyle...

Awesome, love it Larry!

I have a "no TV" policy most days, it is a waste of time. And if I am catching a game or a show on TV, I always have my laptop in front of me and I am able to be productive. ;)

You are so right, it's been no TV daily since I started training.. I might watch a show before bed.. lol

Awesome Larry! :)

My goal this week is to figure out why my post are not getting indexed. When I check Google Search Console, I noticed a bunch of articles I posts hanging out in the no index lane.

The thing is my post directly from WA into my site gets ranked fast.

I gotta go through each post and test each article url and then google says
“This page can be indexed. Submit for indexing.

Last night I had to submit 9 post for indexing. 😳

I might have support look into this too.

So that’s goal for this week. As well as continue to post articles and make a few videos.

I thought a pro like me could do it in one take. Nope! Two, three and four.

🤣 😤

Don't fret on any post not getting indexed, Google sometimes drags it's feet with certain posts and over time, some posts simply won't get indexed. You can request indexing, but that is a 5 second job.

And yes, continue focusing on the content creation as the content consistency you publish to your website will often times lead to quicker indexing. :)

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