Marketing Mania My Desperate Search for the Easy Button

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The Infamous easy button: I know it doesn’t exist but every so often I get caught up looking for it. And although I’d like to profess it hasn’t happened in years, that would be way less than honest; because I was all caught up in it - just yesterday.

What caused it? Working my much-appreciated regular job, which is the founder of the feast (I do love to eat) and has bestowed upon me the gift of all manner of stress related issues. The past month has been particularly difficult. And it inspired in me such an extreme desire to escape, I felt compelled to throw myself down the marketing rabbit hole.

It was filled with the murky waters of information, misinformation, reasonable options and ridiculous ones. And I couldn’t tell which was which. I nibbled on a little of this and that and flailed around until I eventually sunk to the bottom. There I found my quiet peace of mind and answered the question - who are you?

I’m a Wealthy Affiliate member. And that means all my answers are here. So, I am back in the hubs going over all the updated and amazing training – and I’m smiling. The easy button may not exist, but the path to success is right here within WA. Sometimes, we just need a reminder to stop chasing illusions and focus on the proven path before us.

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You're doing great Kundi and will continue to do so!!

If only that "easy button" existed!!!

All the very best moving forward my friend! :-)

Hi Jessiefido,
Thanks for the kind words and encouragement! I appreciate it. Yeah, that easy button would be amazing, wouldn't it? But I'm learning to embrace the journey and appreciate the progress I'm making, even if it's not always a straight line. All the best to you! 😊

You're most welcome my friend and it would indeed!!!

But.... back to the real world, we must all learn and work.... rinse and repeat in order to succeed in any and all aspects of life!

Sometimes it isn't easy, but... the learning process will make us stronger moving forward! :-)

I agree with you, Jessiefido. That rabbit hole was interesting, but I'm glad I climbed back out. I definitely learned a few things, even if it wasn't the "easy" path I was hoping to find. And you're so right, the journey makes us stronger! I'm glad to be back on track with WA and ready to put those lessons to good use! 😊

Very happy to hear that my friend and all the very best moving forward! :-)

Thank you, all the very best to you too! 😊


I fell down the Kangaroo hole! Waited for the escalator to bring me back up. WA is where it’s at and I’m done looking around. Best of luck on your journey to the top.

A kangaroo hole? That sounds like an interesting adventure. I can’t even imagine it. But I can relate to feeling like you've hopped into a strange and unpredictable place, hoping for a shortcut to success, only to find yourself waiting for an escalator back to reality. I'm glad you found your way back and know that WA is the place to be. Sometimes we need those detours to appreciate what we have right here. Thanks for the well wishes on my journey. I wish you all the best on your journey top as well. 😊

You nailed it. Even though the easy button doesn't exist, I think Wealthy Affiliate has an "easier" button with all the training and AI and so many things they offer!

I think we all tend to fall down rabbit holes from time to time. I fall down them regularly but happily when I resurface, I am here again. I am glad you have found your answer and that you are continuing with the Hubs and training.


Thanks, Karin! It's comforting to know I'm not the only one prone to the occasional rabbit hole adventure. WA is my base, but sometimes the shiny things are tempting. Glad you always find your way back, too. 😉 If you ever want to compare rabbit hole stories or share tips for staying focused, I'm here. I appreciate the fact that WA is the place to find support and encouragement. And that’s what you’ve done for me today! 😊

Very relatable and I love the allusions to Alice in Wonderland.

The marketing aspect is a wonderland experience. And then I saw there were segments of matketing training in boot camp. So I'm good now.

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