Forgive me!
Hello WA family. This will be brief. I just want to say please forgive me for not responding within the last few days to comments, followers ans so forth. I am in the middle of trying to finish my training for the online entrepreneur level 3. I am excited to finish and once I complete that, I can take a short 1 hour break before getting back into the remaining. Thank you for your patience and understanding as I normally respond to comments, followers, etc....
See you soon!
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No worries, K. I'm seldom here too. I mean I have some new responsibilities and can only spend time at WA for about 15 minutes nowadays. So, keep on doing what you need to do. It's your future! ;) All the best to you.
Take care.
You are probably overthinking this, I don't think there is any need to forgive us for not answering for a few days. I am sure you are already forgiven by everybody here so far.
Thank you swedenrocks. Not over thinking, just that I love communicating. But thank you nevertheless.......
Know what you are saying Ken! Sometimes it's hard to focus with the phone beeping away with folks engaging me in the social media realm. I find myself bouncing back and forth between writing/learning/researching and seeing what others are up to. But, I find by keeping consistently engaged, I am always learning something from the other WA's who know much more than I. Do what works best for you. Rock on in your WA education!!
Thank you Howard. Much appreciated. I agree I want to be able to do both so to stay connect, but I want to finish so that I can connect on a regular basis. you are so right. The community here is a great place for learning and connecting.
Talk soon.......
I'm sure nobody will fault you for a temporary absence so you can work on your business. After all, that IS what we joined WA for.
Thanks steveo5770! Yes that is why we joined but also because of all the support that WA offers. I don't want to and never will neglect that.... appreciate the comment.
Until later....
I know ksummers. Me too. Working hard on training and hard to respond to and like comments but also neccessary if you follow the system. Good luck from bingopauls Vegas
You are too kind for this explanation. I'm sure some people were trying to contact you. Thanks for the update, and keep up the dedication!
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No forgiveness is required you are here to help yourself go forward.
If it means avoiding socializing here and responding to comments so be it.
You are here to grow your business and earn income for you and your daughter never forget the reason why you can here.
By focusing on one task at a time you will then learn to go forward quicker than doing many things and going nowhere.
Remember Jack of all trades master of none.
Go through the lessons and complete them first work on your website then when that is done comes back for the short visit as you said then get back into it again.
You show to me you have the making of being a successful person with the attitude you are now taking action for.
Well done
Take care be well keep up you great work.
Hey Andre,
Thanks for the acknowledgement, support and encouragement! I had to take a short break to respond to that...:) Much appreciated!
Keep up the great work to you as well....