Sunshine Above The Chilly Clouds


Many years ago, I took a flight to London. I was coming from the tropics where there is no winter any time of the year. After reaching cruising altitude, everyone began to ralax and enjoy the clear skies and the bright sunshine. The thought of anything different did not cross my mind. It was a really pleasant trip. However, no matter how pleasant the journey may be, sooner or later you reach your destination.

Getting Ready to Land

When the captain announced that we were approaching London Heathrow airport, I looked out the window. Well I like window seats on flights. First I saw the clouds change. Before now, they looked like a smooth azur carpet spreading below the plane. Now it became clearer and clearer that nothing was as smooth as it seemed. The bumpy landing brought us safely to our point of disembarkation.

Snow and Clouds Beneath

My shock was not only that it was cloudy, but that it was actually snowing! I could not belive it. How could the sunshine up above the skies co-exist with so much cold and snow beneath? It was probably a shock to me because I did not know that you can have sunshine far above the snow and clouds that prevail down beneath.

Layers of the Journey of Life

The journey of life is has many layers. There is snow on the streets. There are clouds in the atmosphere. There are snow storms, blizzards, landslides, hurricanes, and tsunamis. And not infrequently, there are earthquakes that can cause even the mighty Everest to lose height. This list can continue endlessly. However, somewhere high up above all these weather phenomena we see, at a place where only big airliners reach, the sun is shining in all its brilliance. All you need to do is rise higher, and yet higher.

Cloudy and Snowy Realities of Life

If you are caught in a web that makes you think, everything is going too slowly. The snow storms of bills may put your finances in a glacial black hole. The blizzards of health problems may have changed life as you know it into something alien. The landslides of stock market losses may be threatening to steal your insanity. No individual is immune to such cloudy and snowy realities of our daily living. The layer of snow may be so thick that you cannot even imagine if the sun will ever come out, and if the snow will ever melt. The sun is shinning high above the clouds.

Bombarded with the Snow and Clouds of Life

Bringing it closer home, that website you are building may not be turning out right. That theme you chose does not seem to be the right one. Those links you put up on your website have mysteriously disappeared. You may not be able to find appropriate images even after buying coffee for the artists on curtesy sites. You may feel like this will never go anywhere. Believe me, there is a cruising altitude somewhere up in the cyber skies, where website owners are making a living. Your current problems are far below their experience horizon. Work with the goal of getting there.

You will Get Only What You Lean Into

I heard those words from a pastor this evening and it struck a chord in my heart. If you doubt that you will ever make it, chances are you will have no conviction to keep climbing the cloudy layers. I ask myself, if I do not establish a successful online presence who will? If not me, then who will? Like the airliner, I rise. Rising off the icy streets of Can't Do It City, I am heading for the sunshine far above the clouds. Are you coming along? Yes, let's do it. Rising above the obstacle is the only way to reach the sunshine of of success.

To your success!

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Recent Comments


Good post. I liked it.

Hi Kenester, behind every dark cloud there's always a silver lining.

Great story and analogy

Very nice, Esther!

Thank you for sharing .
I enjoy your blogs . You have a great way of writing .

I have enjoyed your blog. Thank you very much.

Enjoyable insight. I have faced similar incidents on flights but I never .took the time to think it out

Good visional work. The great thing about clouds though is sometimes you get a spectacular lightening and thunder storm. That really freshens things up.

Outstanding writing and mastery of the heartfelt pen. You and I have a similar style of writing! It appears that you and I serve the same Lord! Great inspirational piece to rise above circumstances because somewhere the light! Thank you for this.

That is the aroma of life to life.

Thank you Esther I needed that. Keep looking up. :)

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