Value & Integrity
There is so much information and content available on the internet. A lot of people believe everything they read on the internet. It is sad to know that people don't take their time to create content of value and integrity. A lot of websites push so much content out they don't care how much integrity or value they have placed in creating it. There are just too many people that don't care as long as some type of content is created. I have struggled personally with this for awhile. I'm sure I could get a website up and running in less than a week loaded with mediocre information and content. That is just not who I am and I have to keep reminding myself everyday that valuable content and information that is created with integrity will always be more successful in the long run. I have many ideas for websites and I have saved many articles on my computer that I feel need more value to be successful. I have however also realized that not everything that is created will be perfect. It's seems like there is a war within myself to create great content yet another part of me fights that I am too much of a perfectionist. I believe we have to ask ourselves whether or not we are creating content of value and integrity and if the answer is yes then procrastinating to get to perfection devalues the time and energy we put into creating such great content. I guess my whole point here is making sure we create good content and get it out there instead of trying to perfect something that is already perfect.
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Kelly, I am no authority on the subject but want to share a couple of thoughts with you. Wanting to do things well is a neat virtue. Insisting that they be perfect is the perfect way of seeing that they don't get done. Perfection is not attainable and is different things to different people. So let me offer a suggestion. Put stuff out there when you think it is pretty good because your readers are really the ones who decide what value it has to them. Most people on the internet are either looking for a solution to a problem or information and they will usually be on your site a very, very short time and if they get their need met could care less about whether it was perfect or even good. Best wishes to you.
You obviously have a lot of integrity, Kelly. Keep that in mind and the value will surely show itself in your content.
So true, I for one share your opinion on the value of integrity.