Keep doing it
Man's biggest challenge is not to quit but to do again. Its not about him reaching to the top but starting the journey and keep stepping forward. I have seen people who started and reached to the top and others who stopped on the way and turned back and I asked myself question the difference between those two.
Both started and one reached. It is all about doing again. One had to say I have done everything still it did not work, and I ask, Are you ready to do again?
Another asked me what if I still would not work and I answered do again and after that?
Keep doing again until it work. Simple.
Recent Comments
I agree. And if you accomplish your goals to easily your goals obviously weren't hard enough.
I have heard of many great men who failed several times but persisted and later succeeded. Good not to lose hope but to continue until you succeed. Thanks for your encouraging word
I agree! Thomas Edison failed many times before inventing the light bulb. "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. - Thomas Edison
It's our positive mental attitude that will get us through. Let's keep moving forward...
Yes, sometimes we have to do it again but there are some advantages as well: we are mastering our skills and we are getting confidence. The only thing left: don't give up
Well said Malaki if it ain't working don't give up just find a different way of doing things and do it again.
I would add one thing to that because you are right. I would add each time you do it again you find a little bit better way of doing it until it works.
These are simple yet great words of wisdom. Every day is an opportunity and privilege to begin again.