1047 word in 25 minutes
So I was looking into how to defeat writers' block when working on something the other day and came across this nifty bit of internet called 4thewords. With a free 30 day sign up I decided to give it a chance when I next write my next post.
The idea behind it is you choose a monster. Each monster has a set amount of words and a time limit. If you write the words within the time limit you get a prize you can use on the platform. Random but cool.
I set 1000 word limit. 1 hour timer.
My results.
1047 words in 25 minutes and 12 seconds. A whole post, unpolished. Needs spell checks and headings but written. In 25 minutes.
This nifty bit of software is going to make me so much more productive, I had to spread hte word.
Recent Comments
That's a very interesting technique. I mentioned using a timer so someone the other day when writing a blog but had no idea there was a site created for this technique.
Which leads me to another thought. This website owner found need and is meeting it. Cheers to them!
Thanks for sharing.
I came across a similar thing a while back called "the most dangerous writing app" but that one was a little more severe because if you stopped typing for 5 seconds it literally deleted everything lol. Needless to say I didn't bother using it, haha.
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Wow, rocket fingers. I might manage 500.