My blog has been found through organic search

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I've always been fairly good at getting people to look at my websites through Facebook links and the like. I don't get a lot of traffic, but always some after every post if I am faithful and share it on Facebook (adding other social media soon).

But today I was beyond thrilled when I looked at my diabetes site and saw that I had one organic search result. That means it wasn't from a post referring them to my site. It was a direct search result!

And it was on a post that I had just created on Sunday! I had just received the email confirming the post had been indexed, as well.

I am not sure what drew the person to check out my site. I had also included a short video of me showing how I test my blood glucose, so I suppose it could have come from the video, too.

I know it's one organic search result but I have decided to celebrate the wins—all of them small or large!

That's all I have for today! I took my granddaughters to a movie tonight and it is now almost 11 p.m. Central time and I still have two posts to finish before I hit the hay! I was excited, though, and wanted to give some positive vibes to you all!


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Good job, Karin!

I am just the opposite. My websites get organic traffic but not much from social media. I am not a constant social media poster, just a little here and there.

I guess I would get excited if social media helped me out. What platforms do you find successful? I am primarily on Facebook. I've tried some YouTube, but my niche has so much competition.

I am primarily on Facebook, although with this post that got found, I had a video in there, too. It was of me doing a blood glucose check. Who knows. I am just happy to be found. Now if I will be found useful that will be even better!


If you don't mind me asking, was the video posted on YouTube, Karin?

Yes it was. I have a diabetes channel on YouTube. I hadn't posted on it for at least a couple of years, so there are older videos on there. Perhaps that is how it was found? I don't know. It only has about 13 views, so . . .


Wow, shows the power of YouTube.

It's always a great feeling. Well done and congrats. Keep celebrating the small wins. They're the stepping stones to the big wins. Keep moving forward. ✨️
Stay blessed

Thanks, Tracy. For sure those stepping stones will get me there. I am looking forward to more traffic!


Feels great, doesn't it!

I had an organic comment on a page that had indexed within 2-3 hours of the comment!



Awesome, Rudy!

And yes, it does feel great. I feel like the work is paying off. Not that I am not happy about the referral clicks, but an organic search click—it made my day!


Well done Karin regardless where it came from it was found so keep doing what you are doing and push forward.


Thank you, Andre! I appreciate you!


Always welcome Karin and enjoy the day and week ahead

Thanks. I hope you have a great week ahead, as well!


You too

Great news. Congrats.

Thank you!!

Karin 😎

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