It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood

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Just a couple quick updates as I am so busy.

  1. Had my first referral to Wealthy Affiliate in a long while. I was so surprised and grateful I didn't know what to do at first! But once I relaxed and settled down a bit, I got the tasks done that needed to be done.
  2. I have been making consistent royalties on Vella. I am hoping for some decent bonuses in the next couple of months!
  3. I almost walked out of my day job today. I was just so tired of the constant badgering and being treated like I am a child, not an employee who has worked there for nearly 30 years.

But I maintained my composure after a brief outburst! I have some goals surrounding my eventual departure from the day job, but I was advised to wait at least 6 months to make sure I will have steady recurring income from my Vella episodes and from my book sales.

I also need a more steady income stream from my blog sites.

Well, that is about it for the day! I am one tired lady! but one happy lady, too!

Hope you are all having a productive week!


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It's a beautiful Day, they were a great group from the 70s. One of my favorites is White Bird in a Golden cage.
Have a listen.
A wise decision about the day job. You may be busy, but you don't want to be less busy and having to worry about money at the same time.
I'm lucky that I have several income streams, don't worry, it will happen for you too.

Thanks, Bux. I have confidence that it will, as well!

I am listening to it as I type this reply. My Alexa app only has the live version, but I love it!

Yes, I have struggled with the day job for a long time, but I am holding onto it as least for the next 3-6 months. I have a plan, like I said, but I don't want to fly off the handle before that plan is ready to happen.

Take care! I'll be posting more about the plan in coming weeks!


Good for you Karin.
When I was ready, some twenty plus years ago, I struck a good financial deal with my boss at 10am, I was working for myself at 2pm.
Plan what you are going to do, keep the plan updated, even if only mentally, so that when it does happen you move into a position of strength, you already know exactly what you will be doing at 9am the next morning, you know what and where you will pitch yourself at.
If you have the attitude AND you have made full and proper preparation, then you will find it happens quite painlessly.
Good luck, keep us in the loop.

Thanks for the extra ideas for preparation. I have told my granddaughter that this will give us more time together, too.

The way it is now, I work the day job from 9 a.m. until anywhere between 5 and 9 p.m. depending on the day. Then I have to come home and do all the blogging and writing for my businesses. That leaves very little time to spend with her. I hate not being able to give her more time. we still go shopping and to a movie once a week, but she needs me more than that.

Weekends, when she goes to my exes, I spend about 12 hours a day just working the forever business. I am tired, but I know that within the next six months it will begin paying off!

I also included some things in my response to HowardJaros in this comment section that will help explain some of the plan.

Everyone is always such and encouragement to me. Things have been working out so I feel like I am on the right track!


Yes, I've read your response to Howard. Just keep your hard hat on, work through all the doubts, forget the fears. You may be closer than you think.
This time next year ... who knows.
Be strong
Bux 🌹

Karin, I hope things get better at your job and you can last a little longer so you can leave on your terms.

Well, part of my plan is to cut back the hours in about three months, so that starting the first of the year I will be only doing ad sales which I really enjoy doing. Currently I am just feeling overwhelmed as I write several stories a week for the newspaper, cover the office 2 days a week (on my own) and be there five days a week plus the ad sales.

I make $14 an hour and earn 8% on commissions. If I just do the ad sales, I will get 20% but no hourly rate. I feel confident that by the end of the year, I will be able to make more doing just the ad sales than by putting in all the other hours.

So I wouldn't be completely quitting, I would be taking out the in-office hours and the extra writing. I would probably still be doing 40 hours a week, but it will be doing what I have grown to love.

And this will free me up to work at home and be home for my granddaughter when she needs me to be.

I'll be writing more about the plan as I work out the details. This is the closest I have ever been in my 45 years of working to being able to do what I truly love which is to write books and fiction!

Truly exciting for me.


Sounds like you have a good plan, Karin!

If you can work at home doing something you love, along with your blog sites, then a big win!

In my company I was doing something I loved for ten years, but things changed. So, I just recently retired and can do whatever I want to at this point.

It's great to be able to spend more time in WA! It keeps the mind sharp.

Have a great day!

Congratulations Karin!
That's awesome to hear about the referral here and the commissions on Vella. Keep up the good work!
Sorry about how they're treating you at the day job...but, better days are coming!

Best wishes :) ~Sherry

Thanks, Sherry. Better days are coming! But for now I will do my best to be grateful and content with where I am and keep working my butt off to get to where I want to be!

Karin 😎

Congrats on the commissions on Vella!

I'm sorry that you were given a hard time but also good that you kept your composure in line.

Myra ♥️

Thanks, Myra. It was difficult to keep my composure. But happily, I keep myself in check.


Keep up the great work, Karin! 👍😎

Frank 🎸

Thanks, Frank! I am loving it!


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