I kept putting it off until.

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I have told you all before that I have a problem with procrastination. Many of us do. But that isn't really what I am talking about today.

What I am talking about is putting something off because it is painful.

Okay, sure, that sounds like procrastination. I know that.

But allow me to explain just a bit.

Many of us have led difficult lives. I am no stranger to difficulty. I decided about a year or so ago that I was going to write a book about my struggles and share it with others who may be in the same or similar situations.

That was over a year ago. I got exactly 3 very short half-hearted chapters written and then the project was laid aside.

I thought about it often, but it was only a thought, no action.

Then, in the last three months as I got more involved in writing creatively, I thought, "You know, if you started this story as a Vella, it would kind of push you to write it."

Okay, sure, let me add that project to the several others I was working on.

It took about 2 months, but I did add it.

I fleshed out three full chapters and was able to post those. Now I am working on the next one.

The reason I am bringing this up is because I would have just kept putting writing this story off. I would have found hundreds of things to do besides write it. But forcing myself to put it on Vella made me feel a sense of accountability to the potential readers.

This is really a lot like our blog posts. We write them and, as least for me, I am then compelled to keep writing because I feel a sense of obligation/accountability to my readers.

By posting regularly, we build an audience who potentially will look forward to what we write or post. This goes back to consistency.

Without consistency, our potential audience will not know when to look for things from us. If they like what we write or do, but we do it with no consistency, we stand the very real chance of losing them.

Don't be a loser.

Hope you all have a great rest of the week!


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Good morning Karin,

Thank you for your honesty and wise words, it's appreciated.

In Internet marketing, I believe that consistency is key to success. However, there are also many distractions when we are in front of a computer, it's quite easy to potentially procrastinate if we are not careful!

It's good to develop good habits like posting on a regular basis and it also leaves a good feeling inside us.

I'm glad that things are coming together for you! Your last words are very good, "Don't be a loser"!

Have a great weekend.


Oh, you are so right on! I'm in the process of writing a memoir and it's a long, long story. Have made it up to 1970...32 years of my life. I add a little bit each day or two and then go back and edit. The one good thing for me is that it keeps me going...I refuse to step off the planet until the memoir is finished! Also, my writing for doing this project is much like yours. I'm hopeful that some of my experiences will help people going through similar situations.

So, let's keep going, okay? We can do this!

We can do this, Fran. Lots of painful stuff, but let's tell our stories and perhaps help someone along the way! It's great that you are writing what sounds like a detailed memoir! Take care!


You are doing really great so far, Karin, and that's the only thing that's needed right now.

So it's like, another day, another day to write. โœ๏ธ

Myra โ™ฅ๏ธ

Very much like that, Myra. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

I still use my list of what I need to write for that day and training that I need to do, but I am more flexible with myself, too. Instead of one story, I might write 2!

Take care!


Karin, it is understandable. It is hard to express exactly what took place in ones' life without evoking those memories. If they were happy memories that is fine. The problem comes when the memories surround painful moments!!

It is good you have found a way out. Proceed with that. I am also happy that you are helping others to carry on with life despite the pitfalls they may be experiencing. Wishing you a productive day.

Thank you for your thoughtful reply, Joseph. You nailed this exactly.

Hope you have a productive day, as well!


You are welcome. Thank you, Karin

Youโ€™re doing great, Karin! ๐Ÿ‘

Tomorrowโ€™s another day, so have an excellent one.๐Ÿ˜Ž
Frank ๐ŸŽธ

Thanks, Frank. So are you!

Hope you have an amazing day!


Thanks, Karin! ๐Ÿ™

Thursday is usually our big shopping day. We have most of our food for the week picked and delivered to the house. Whole Foods (now owned by Amazon) does an awesome job and we also use one of the local supermarkets.

That leaves time for my wife to specialty-shop for ingredients she likes to hand pick for her meal plans. We also get the liquor shopping done for the week.

At the end of the day we usually have everything we need for the weekendโ€™s entertainment, although itโ€™s not unusual for me to do targeted runs here and there. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Enjoy the day! ๐Ÿฅณ
Frank ๐ŸŽธ

You do weekly Liquor shopping Frank???

Maybe you consume more of Stacy's cocktails than you let on here!!


Hi Nick

We entertain quite a bit, so we tend to go through lots of alcohol. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

However, Iโ€™m a pitiful example of a โ€œdrinker.โ€ Hahaha. ๐Ÿ˜†

Iโ€™ll routinely have one small glass of wine with Stacyโ€™s dinners. She pairs various wines with the foods she prepares and gives them to me as part of the meal.

You can see a sample dinner with her wine pairing here: Rock On! ๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿท
Frank ๐ŸŽธ


Fully understandable Frank and I know very well that you are a pitiful example of a drinker!!

Rock the weekend!!



Hahaha, Nick. Alcohol is my kryptonite, but I'm always up for a few sips! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Enjoy the rest of the Fast & Furious movies! ๐ŸŽ๏ธ

Have a Rockin' Weekend, Too! ๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿฅณ
Frank ๐ŸŽธ ๐Ÿน

Will do Frank and you also my friend!


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