Change who you are to create a different life
Those people who develop the ability to continuously acquire new and better forms of knowledge that they can apply to their work and to their lives will be the movers and shakers in our society for the indefinite future. ~Brian Tracy
I was in a Vella training yesterday and one of the instructors said that she had to "change who she was to create a different life."
I think that is very profound. If we want to see change—real change—we have to change. Many of us are probably familiar with the quote, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” (This quote has been attributed to Ghandi but while Ghandian in nature, it cannot be proved to be by him.)
Change is a topic we talk a lot about on this forum. We all know that change is possible and necessary but actually changing is often a different matter altogether.
The instructor on my class made significant changes in her life to be able to become the different person she wanted to be. Now, almost 4 years later she is getting to the place she wants to be.
But notice this: almost 4 years! It didn't happen overnight. It took time, effort and persistence to make the changes necessary to become who she wanted to become.
So many times we look at another person's success and then at our own or lack of it and get disappointed because we aren't seeing success or the level of success that we hope for. But that level takes time. It takes consistency. It takes persistence.
I am not there yet, either. But I will get there because I will work until I make it, not for anyone else, but for me. Yes, others will benefit from my successes, but I'm not going to lie, I am doing this for me and to honor the gifts and talents that I have been blessed with.
The changes that I have been going through to get even this far have been massive. I anticipate more big changes over the coming weeks and months. It is kind of like WA—I'm being upgraded!
Change is a powerful thing. Don't be afraid of it!
I hope you all have a week full of great change!
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Hi Karin
I agree. 👍👍
We should all strive to be a better version of ourselves, which is a perpetual work in progress.
Money is one way to measure success, but getting in touch with the innate goodness that allows us to help ourselves and others is even more valuable. 😎
We can’t take our money with us, but the good we do on this planet is something that goes on after we are gone.
Frank 🤘🎸
I like what you said, Frank. Very noteworthy. Striving every day to become the me that I was born to be! ☺️
Hey, Karin! Nice post and so true.
I usually look at change, not like we need to become someone else or different than we are now, for me change myself means finally coming back to myself, to find my core, learn something new.
This society, family, every day life habits we got and all perspectives put on us from young age made who we are today, but we are not fully ourselves. :) That is my opinion
I agree. We are not fully ourselves. We are the accumulations of the life we have lived and the people who raised us and are in our lives. I don't think I will become someone else, unless it is a kinder and gentler version of me! 😎
I seek to find the me that will make a difference in the world! Or at least a difference in my neighborhood!
Hi Karin!
I listened to Brain Tracy for many years as I grew my sales techniques to improve in business. He shared that to be successful in sales, you need to be a better you.
Over many years, I found that consistent application of his and others' principles made it possible for me to reach my goals.
Yes, change can be painful, but sometimes change is a necessity.
Press on, Karin!
I'm pressing on! I enjoy Brian Tracy and so many others. Can I think of a single other name right now? Nope! But many coaches and trainers have been influential in shaping my mindset.
I really like the old standby, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. It's a classic but still very relevant.
This is a very insightful post, Karin. I believe everyone, to some extent, hates the idea of change. I know that to a certain degree, I do. But to be successful, it is necessary. And we must adapt and grow to be able to change. When I think back on my life, I can see that I have continually changed through the years. As the world changes around me, I continue learning new things, and I adapt to meet the new changes I see. I may start out, for example, following one road, say when it comes to politics. However, as I learn more, I change and follow a completely different route. I love learning, and I plan to keep learning until the day I leave this earth. This is why I feel WA is so important to beginning entrepreneurs. They continually change and adapt to the world we live in which helps us learn and grow.
Yes, WA has been a big part of the changes in my life. I anticipate it will be a big part of the upcoming changes, too!
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That quote was in a book by one of Ghandi's autobiographers about his early life as a South African lawyer. Not saying he said it but it is Ghandian in concept.
The only way you can achieve real and lasting change in the world is to change yourself, and that change ripples out to everyone around you. Those ripples are energetic and everyone who comes into contact with you feels them
This week, I will have been widowed for seven years, and I have spent that time becoming the best version of myself. This has nothing to do with money but the person I am
I am qualified in five energy modalities but have developed my own method of bringing about lasting change.
Some people think that as a race, we are the precipice. We need a new way to go forward. If we are to achieve that, it can only happen when we become the change we want in the world, whomever said it
This is my favourite quote from my brother
"Nothing matters, but everything makes a Difference"
Leo Soloman
I love your brother's quote! Very true.
I am working on the changes that I want to see in the world. I appreciate your changes that you have made in your life. Becoming the best version of oneself is a task and a half, but everyday efforts can achieve lifetime results. I am sorry for your loss, but I am proud of you for not spending 7 years doing nothing. I am glad to have met you!
So true, Catherine.
We must be willing to change, that is the key.
It is a challenge, that is for sure. Some days, I am sorry I started, but there is no going back when you make those changes permanent.
I am so happy to hear you are doing the same, but I am not at all surprised, as your positivity and energy, which are phenomenal by the way, shine through like a beacon. i am privileged to have met you and very grateful I got the chance to this work on myself. Well done you, it's not for the faint of heart.
No it isn't for the faint of heart!