Building your brand and why it matters

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Do you remember when you first started on Wealthy Affiliate? There was one of the first trainings that showed us how to create a logo in Hubs. One of my website's logos incorporates an old style typewriter and a woman busy at it typing away. That is for my writing website. I will soon be doing some writing classes through that site. I have a pretty good following and even had one person sign up for a class that hasn't even been advertised or anything! I haven't even started. I just mentioned in a post that I would be doing a class at some point! That was validating!

Anyway, back to the logo. The logo that you choose is part of your branding. Branding is one of the more important parts of your business.

Have you ever taken one of those online quizzes where you have to guess the company by their logo? Well, I can imagine that most of us would do fairly well on such a quiz. In fact, I can often get 95% or better on them. Why? Because everywhere we look we see logos and branding.

Shoes, beverages, clothing, websites...

They can be recognized just by their logo.

I've only been to this place two times in my life (I just can't see paying close to $10 for coffee with some flavoring). But I have seen this logo enough times to know what company it represents. I am guessing you have, too.

Or what about this one?

Google does change theirs up once in a while for holidays and such, but it is still recognized as the Google brand.

Creating a logo that is simple but easily recognized is important. If I am going to search for something on the Internet—I usually go to Google even if it isn't the default search engine.

If a logo is busy it can be easily disregarded, in my opinion. But simplicity rules the day!

The logo is just part of branding. There are other aspects, too, but let's just bite off one chunk at a time!

If your logo is busy or complicated, perhaps consider revising it unless you are already well-established.

Go to Hubs and I look for the second step in Phase 2 of the training "Add Logo." Remember, your logo is at the top of your site. It is the first thing people will see. Make it recognizable and memorable!

Be sure to watch for more about branding coming up soon.

Have a great week!


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Most definitely, Karin. Building and maintaining a logo is important. Especially when a lot of people are doing their researches on it. I think you may have guessed it, Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc,..

Myra ♥️

Thanks, Myra. Yes, the logo is definitely something that can be most memorable or completely ignored if done poorly. Some of the simplest logos are the easiest to remember! ☺️


I agree! 💯

Myra ♥️

Branding ourselves is so important Karin (and I don't mean with a burning hot piece of metal)!!

Great reminder that I need to go back and look over some of my logos... a change could be needed on one or two as they don't really look professional or brandable enough looking!!

The work is never ending here, but.... I wouldn't want it any other way my friend! :-)

I hear you, Nick. I think I could do better on a couple of mine, too.

Branding with a hot iron does not sound fun at all. When I was younger, I burned myself with a curling iron! Ow! And that was only on my skin for less than a second! I don't think I ever used a curling iron again!

Hope you have an amazing day!


We all live and learn as we progress Karin!!

Can't say that I have ever had the use for a curling iron and after reading this... I doubt I ever will!!

Have an amazing day as well my friend! :-)

LOL. Yeah. Somehow I have managed to live without a curling iron for 30+ years.




Nice post, Karin!

It's funny, as I am sitting here on my laptop waiting for the wife to get a haircut and working remotely, I am reading your post and behind me is a Starbucks. Yes, I call them "ten bucks" because you can't get out of there for much less. LOL

But, they have branded themselves and their logo, and the people still buy their product.

Agreed, a great logo is necessary, and its creation should take lots of consideration.

Have a productive day, Karin!

Love it! Tenbucks! Around where I live, deer hunting is a huge event! Ten bucks would be monumental for a hunting party. Personally, I do not hunt, but a lot of people I know do. My grandson is one of them. He got a "Robin Hood" at an archery competition over the weekend. A Robin Hood is a specific type of shot where an archer manages to split an arrow that has already landed on the target with another arrow from a secondary shot from the same position. This shot requires great skill and hence has taken on the same of this heroic outlaw. (I copied the explanation from the exes post on Facebook.)

Well, that went in a different direction than I had intended!

Hope you have a fantastic day!


Hi Karin!

I am not a hunter, either! I can't imagine killing a sweet, leaf-eating, doe-eyed deer! (My Cousin Vinny movie line) Those who have that archery skill should be admired. I tried and was not very good at it.

Thank you. You have a blessed day, too!

WOW! I love that part of the movie! Sometimes I just watch that part! LOL She truly earned her Oscar for that movie! She was amazing!


There are so many great movie lines from My Coisin Vinny. It's one of my favorites. How about: "the two utes. I'm sorry, did you say ute? Sorry your honor, the two youthes!" Lolol

I studied logos while studying Graphic Design, Karin.

In the Odyssey, the sirens were supposed to lure the sailors and their ships in with their singing, which is the meaning behind that first logo. It might work - if it weren't $10 for coffee and some flavoring.

Appreciate the post!
Isaiah 🙂

Cool. I am not artistically inclined at all, but I am very happy with how my writing site logo turned out. Yes, that siren on the Starbucks logo certainly lures many! Thanks for sharing that.


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