Finding Balance
We all know how difficult it can be to balance all of our daily tasks. There are so many distractions out there: Helping family members and friends, appointents, running errands, not to mention the offers to go have fun! They all take away from our time that we would use to better ourselves, build our business, study marketing courses, or even just relax and rejuvenate.
How many times have you heard that if you want to succeed in something, you have to give it your all? Maybe a better way of saying it would be "you have to give it focus".
I recently took some time to "face my distractions" and decide which ones really needed to go. Here is what I came up with:
The land line phone- They can leave a message and I return the call when I am free. If it is an emergency, then they should be calling 911 instead of me.
Texts- I respond when I am free, my friends understand that I do not babysit my phone all day.
Dramma Kings an Queens: We all know some of them, I know many. I believe they were put in my life to teach me some lessons. (like maybe avoid them) : ) They will call sometimes numerous times throughout the day wanting you to listen to their sad story which is always a tragety-even though it really isn't. I have found ways to still be helpful to them without being available " on demand". I could write a book on this one.
Isn't life fun?
Balance is important, I now schedule my time according to what is best for me. I can focus much better on my work without those distractions; therefore I am accomplishing more with a better understanding of what I am working on and all in the same amount of time I was giving it before.
I do love life, my family, my friends, but I believe it is improtant to love ourselves just as much. In caring for ourselves first, we then are in a better position mentally, physically, and emotionally to help others achieve their needs.
Wishing you all the best of everything in all of your adventures!
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Balance is important as are the "real" priorities needing your undivided attention. Will you lose some friends or make some family members angry?
I doubt it ... they will see you as even a stronger person than they did before. Cell phone distraction? I never have understood this one. All part of instant gratification society that is evolving I guess.
Bravo to you ... you should do well here at WA.
"Instant gratification society" You nailed it! Somehow peoples cell phones have become their "umbilical cords" and without that connection, they feel lost. They anger if they don't receive an instant response. Maybe they need to learn how to get a life of their own or learn how to let go of control, some may be that way in an attempt to keep us from getting where we want to be (maybe a fear of possibly not getting to that point with us). I am continuing on even if it means loosing some "friends".
Thanks for your reply.
I don't see it as anyone trying to impede your thinking or efforts. I think it's all about "them" and their "needs". Another term I like to use is our evolving "over entitled" society.
So true Dennis, and I don't see that changing. I can only be in charge of my world and keep them at bay. Everyone wants a change but they seem to expect someone else to make it happen for them. Somehow I have a lot of these people in my life, must be a lesson there that I am to learn.
Thanks for responding Dennis, it's nice to communicate with someone that thinks with logic.
I understand that. During our growing up years, most of us girls were taught by our mothers and society as well, that our job was to take care of others. Somehow taking care of ourselves first was being stingy. I believe setting and upholding our own boundaries becomes very liberating. We need our own boundaries in order to be in alignment with our souls. I am at a point in my life where " I am off to find myself". What a wonderful journey it has been so far, here's to you and your new journey as well.
This is so true
Dare not tell you what I am trying to balance on here
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Hi Deb.
Great post thanks for sharing. Made me stop and remember how difficult I found it in the early days to prioritise what was going on my life, in order to focus on my future.
My favourite tv programs I thought I couldn't live without!
People trying to get you to host their very own pity party! Don't get me wrong, I am always there for my family and friends. I'll support and help and advise.......however. I now tell them that they have to help themselves too, and back off, just a little.
And yes you're right it is ok to love ourselves first.....:)
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Hi Deb, I really like this post of yours, this is Suzay and I'm following you back! After reading this post I can see our "new friendship " will be fun and both ways, it will be profitable. Iron sharpens iron, and you got to stay mentally sharp and focus/ re-focus on your future. Like get a TAN now! Take Action Now.
Looks like you are a very smart "live wire" returning back to our WA community to KICK BUTT this time, and STICK BUTT, with both hands on the keyboard for the "long, persistent run" and the ride of your life!
Your words quoted here are like lyrics to a song of liberty:
"The land line phone- They can leave a message and I return the call when I am free. If it is an emergency, then they should be calling 911 instead of me." Also loved this one from you!
Land line phone is the healthiest, it's not 5GGGGG radiation, not a DECT phone. Old School is COOL!
Obviously, you have worked hard eye-balling time distracting, time robbing people.
Right on Deb! That's how it's done! You don't have unlimited energy to be someone else's "toy to energy vampire."
They don't need a snack, and that energy, time waste , " Energy Doormat", are lazy robbers!
Anyways it's very spiritual, so is dumping old behaviors that don't serve you now and into your future.
OK, I have to get the rest of my day started. Nice to begin this day for me with meeting you!