Feeling a bit discouraged
Just wanted to share that I'm feeling a bit discouraged about my progress thus far with mygeocachingstory.com. I've had a minor success with Adsense, but no affiliate sales yet. I've just hit the three month mark and had hoped for better by now. I've been working hard to promote the site in social media, as well as with guest blog posts that have increased my traffic a bit but not nearly as much as I had hoped. I know it will come if I persevere but I'm not getting the search traffic I had hoped for- even on my low hanging fruit KW. I could use some encouragement! Thanks, WA family!
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Hey John just stopping by to give you positivity & courage!
Don't give it up! mastering patience is KEY. Hope great things to come for you.
I think you have a great niche. I had never heard of this before and if it's as big as you say it is I would suggest you continue adding. One issue I had when I landed on your site was all the ads. I wasn't sure where I should look (I was looking for information on what geocaching is) and I finally found it at the top. I'm wondering if you want to get away from so many ads and offer more information that is easier to find. Just a thought. The site is looking really good but I would focus more on your content and make sure your visitor sees that front and center. Don't give up, this looks really good. I hope this helps.
Hmm. I am trying to find a balance between what makes money (ads) and content. Perhaps I need to ratchet back the ads on the home page and focus more on the usability. That certainly sounds like a better strategy than toss it all on the wall and hope for a click. Thank you!
I would definitely add power words from hiking out door living traveling concepts. Say why this would enhance the hiking experience. Instead of a same old same old boring hike they are going on an adventure. Depending on where the trip is they could plan it and include geocaching with it. make it a more in-depth meaningful trip. Maybe.
I started and then stopped for a year Ive been back at it for 6 months .I am now just starting to find stuff that is working. and am redoing my site one more time ,but each time I regroup Things get better.
Dont give up!
John, I am in the same boat with hitting the two month mark and only 6 bucks in adsense. I think this is the critical time - you should read Steve's blog "i've tried that" ....He talks about the critical time being around 12 posts which is when most persons give up. I have not had a sale either but it's critical to push through. Tell yourself you will re-evaluate in the 6 month mark which is what I'm gonna do.....it is hard too especially when my husband is not that supportive but think of all the time AND WORK you've already put in.....Rome wasn't built in a day remember?
Hi Shannon. I'd love to read the blog article you mentioned but I can't find it here at WA. Could you maybe post a link to it ? Thanks.
I think she's referring to blogs by this WA User who's name is Steve and his ID is "Ive tried that."
If not, he's got some great stuff too!
Thanks a lot John for helping out. Wow! it's an awesome blog. It just shows you how far you can get if you keep putting the effort in. I'm only here 2 weeks and from what I've read, the key is to keep going and make changes after you've given your work enough time to evaluate it properly.All businesses take a good amount of time to become established and see a profit. Hang in and keep moving forward and success will follow. Shug
I checked out your site, Its a new concept for me! Its not something that I think I would do. But here are a couple of my observations. I think That your opening paragraph is hard to read and its not clear enough what your site is about , I had to go look at some other posts to get the idea of your site. Maybe a nice catchy header would be nice. Dont give up, Keep rehashing and finding new approaches for you. It seems like the article writing would help you a lot to educate people about your kind of site and to drive people there.
I am replying because I have almost given up a few times,but I keep picking it up again ,and it keeps getting better
This is one of my challenges, my niche is so specialized that hardly anyone in WA knows about it, so feedback beyond "what the heck is geocaching?" is hard to get. Thank you for the advice on the opening paragraph. I will try to make this a bit more understandable.
yes, it's true that your niche is quite unique. And so, going forward, it will help to phrase your questions in a way that the WA community can respond....such as the layout, monetizing strategies, design, social media, google ranking strategies. Speaking of ranking, I would think that you don't have a lot of competition out there. There must be a way to leverage that. Also, to use keywords that are "outside the box" that might attract people who are into hiking or outdoor activities or adventure seeking. It's like I use the concept of a coffee and a coffee shop ambiance but I'm not really selling coffee but quality of life teaching. There is a successful person here who uses the coffee theme but his main goal is promoting WA. Hang in there. It really hasn't been that long.
PastorTae, thank you for your advice. I have been trying to attract more of that 'outside the box' element through social media, but not appeal to them on the site. Everyone's feedback has been excellent and gives me some fuel to get it back into gear.
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I have made some changes to my home page to address concerns outlined here. Let me know what you all think. If you have a moment, please drop by.