Why I think the future for Niche Websites is bright

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Hi Everyone,

Given the disruption the latest round of Google updates has caused, it's clear and obvious to me that many people are very concerned about the future of their niche websites.

However, I always remind myself that in the online world, it's always been about 'people connecting with people' and that simply won't change.

When I'm looking to buy something online, it's the experiences, advice and recommendations of real-people that I seek out.

As an example, I was recently trying to find out information about a vehicle best suited to accommodate a wheelchair and no amount of AI aggregation/suggestions could replace reading about the real-world experience of other humans.

Even an AI suggestion of 'vehicle XYZ is reported by many as being suitable' still had me looking for real-life reviews and opinions.

I also sought out active dialogue in order to be able to ask questions - so, websites with active, responsive comments were therefore very helpful.

I was also drawn to websites that had a lot of helpful additional information about mobility issues in general.

What does this all mean?

Well, I had a need for information.

And where did I find helpful information?

From active, relevant and authoritative websites that were positioned in the niche of mobility - the same source of relevant information as it's always been for any topic.

I think (and given the Update Disruption its highly understandable) it's all too easy lose sight of the fact that we are building websites for other people to view and interact with - that is the prime aim of all that we do.

And whereas AI will/has undoubtably changed the landscape, it can never replace the human element.

Take even Wealthy Affiliate itself.

AI has had a massive influence lately with the powerful new tools that we can now access.

But what's the main driver of WA? It's the people and the interaction between everyone.

You only need to look at the Live Chat for 2 minutes or scroll through the questions/comments on posts and classes to see that it's the human element that is the engine room of WA.

So, for what it's worth, I am very positive about the future of niche websites. Will things evolve and change? Absolutely, it always does - but AI, or Google for that matter, can never replace people or human interaction.

I believe therefore, if we continue to focus on providing others with value, whatever changes come about from AI or Google, affiliate sales and income will still flow from that value provided.

Just my thoughts!


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Recent Comments


You are right, we write for other people to see, but the devil is in a small detail; Google is not showing it to that people. You found your info, but how deep did you have to scroll and dig? It is a bit hard to remain positive when you lose 95% of traffic or even all traffic in Google. Haven't you seen how many people were showing their flat traffic profiles and dead sites?

Let's face the reality and put your beliefs aside; after 9 years here, do you have a full-time affiliate income? I don't, and I have been here longer than you. Oh, we must be doing something wrong, right?

Awesome, John! I hope everything is still working well for you, my friend!


Hi John

Are your articles still ranking organically on page one of Google? If they are, I’d be interested to know the domain authority of that website.

What is your plan going forward to improve your website’s traffic from Google?

Are you publishing content on Web 2.0 platforms linking back to your site, like Medium or UGC platforms like Reddit and Quora?

Are you using video platforms like YouTube and social platforms like FB and X?

Frank 🎸

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