The melting pot. that's us!
That's what we are at WA!
- We're all from different countries, cultures, languages, colors, but all members of just...
- One race... HUMAN!
- Different beliefs... different religions... different values.
- Viva la difference! Long live the difference!
- Here is one place that levels the playing field.
Prejudice feeds off misunderstanding!
- I don't understand your religion, so I don't trust you... come up with a better reason?
- You look different from me... ya think!
- We talk different, so I don't understand you.
- You eat weird food, so I don't like you!
No blog would be complete without a quote from my favorite, Mark Twain:
"That is just the way with some people. They get down on a thing when they don't know nothing about it."
Don't let anyone put you down! I'm just as good as you are and same holds true for you.
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You know Joe, I have been fortunate enough to travel the world and see, experience many different colours, creeds and religions. The diversity of experience and language training has given me a much broader and experienced view of the world.
I KNOW that the diversity in WA is its main strength. I find it amazing how the melting pot as you say makes this community as Americans say and us understated Brits can sometimes cringe as truly "Awesome".
If I ever wake up feeling slightly blue, I know one of the many blogs of the people I follow will give me a boost (often you!) or hopefully I do the same for others.
As I said on one of my sites:
"Indeed, the wide range of cultures and backgrounds gives the platform that additional pillar of strength".
I actually think it is the strongest pillar. And as one of the people I follow originally said, "Its a WAmily". It is.
Have a great day everybody reading this.
Best Regards,
Hi Joe
Thanks for your inciteful observation.
I think that when we reach a certain age - age of wisdom (do we?) - we begin to reexamine our childhood beliefs and indoctrinations.
I see hatred as discrimination that crossed the boundaries of reason.
Is discrimination - I don't like this or that - wrong? No, in my opinion. It is natural for all living things. You don't see lions in every forest of the earth, eating all types of food; or grapefruits growing naturally in all the regions of the earth. No, they have their own places and foods.
Some human beings don't like lemon fruits but prefer oranges. What of the people that don't like salad but prefer pizza. Some men prefer foreign women. Mothers prepare different types of dishes for their families.
You can see why the Maker created everything in abundance so that even His 'picky' creatures can always find their choices.
"I don't understand your religion, so I don't trust you." I don't understand your religion is natural - no person can understand all religions of the earth. In other words, it is natural not to like (prefer) all religions.
But we go above the boundaries of reason if we, instead of trying to understand the religion or leaving it alone, we don't trust or hate it or try to substitute it because it is not our type of religion.
As Da lai Lama said and I paraphrase, if you don't like or prefer a different kind of person, leave the person you don't like alone, don't harm him.
Does misunderstanding feed prejudice or the refusal to understand and appreciate that feeds prejudice?
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It's always about fear, it reminds me of a story my instructor told us? He said there 3 primary instincts in all species when crossing paths with a previously unknown species.
1. Can it eat me?
2. Can I eat it?
3. Can we mate?
Even with that simple analogy, fear of the unknown is the first response. Especially if other information within certain groups is biased, most information within any group is biased.
There is hope for humans yet, we have continued to develop systems and education that are shrinking the world at an alarming rate. The ensuing revolution has already begun, any person who thinks guns and bombs will stop this flow of information will be sadly mistaken.
The Cat's out of the bag, everything is publicized on Social Media.