Outdated and obsolete!

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I've used'em all!

  • They are obsolete.
  • I can't even keep up with my cellphone!
  • IPhone 12?
  • Phones are changing so rapidly.

Ever have one?

  • My first computer came to me in 1983. It was a Kaypro, cost me $2,000!
  • Ran on floppy discs... when the disc was full, it was full!
  • If you wrote a 400-page book, which I was writing at the time...
  • You tried to save it... you watched 200 pages disappear!
  • I'm not talking about the more modern 3 1/2" ones...
  • These were the 5 1/4" jobs that held 360 Kb!

Obsolete! Useless today!

  • How about obsolete thinking? Mind made up, don't confuse me with the facts!
  • Stinking thinking, we call it. Stuck in a rut... not willing to try anything new.

Here at WA, Kyle just told us that in addition to all the new things that have been added to WA, MORE is on the way... newer and better.

You have to come out of the dark ages and catch yourself up to date.

You're going to have to learn to accept new things, new ways of doing things, or like the old KayPro and Commodore computers, you will be a has been!


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Love what you have to say. I remember when my son was 13 (he's 47 now) We were in a store that had some computers like the one you describe here, and he wanted me to see what he could do on it. I didn't own a computer and knew zero about them. he proceeded to make his name appear and cover the screen. I was in awe that he could do that! I didn't even know how to turn it on. He still helps me when it comes to what my Smart phone can do. Amazing, but I'm still learning. ;)

We've come a long way!

Great one Joe, I worked on the old 360 computers for business and wrote in machine language it was called assembler we use the debug in bits and bytes so Yep we've come a long way. WA has some fantastic tools and I have difficulty with them what is just a learning curve keeps my 73-year-old mind sharp I like to think so because I'm having one heck of a time but I've got a lot of help.

Great memories.

Interesting post, that triggered a frustration of mine.

I'm an 'old' computer programmer, that originally developed on the old ICL mainframes using Cobol. Yes technically I'm out-of-date but my logical analysis and design skills still work.

In my opinion, I can still do very effective systems analysis and excellent logical design. But so many of the companies out there want individuals that are technically up-to-date. I could spend 2 years on a technical course and then re-enter the IT market as a graduate etc, but there is a chance that the course will already be out-of-date by the time I enter the job-market. A vicious circle!

Whether it be an old dial phone or the latest iphone, the most basic function is make a telephone call and I can use both to do that. I can learn the additional technical functions on-the job. It isn't rocket science.

I have a family member who has never bought a mobile phone. He lives off the grid. Its nice to visit but I like the challenge of learning about new technology and concepts. Refining our thought processes and learning new ways to approach business is very rewarding. Bring it on. Thank You Joe...Jen

Thanks Jen.

I remember those green phones. What a terrible ring tone! Absolutely right, Joe. Keep up or shut up shop. I love change, it's exciting and those old pc's . . . well, mostly impressive in their day but they didn't last long.
Wishing you a wonderful week.

Thanks Steve.
You too.

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