The law of attraction
I am a subscriber to the daily posts sent out by Jerry and Esther Hicks... today's post says the following:
If you intend to be of assistance,
your eye is not upon the trouble but
upon the assistance, and that is quite
different. When you are looking for a
solution, you are feeling positive emotion -
but when you are looking at a problem,
you are feeling negative emotion.
Now I know why so many of you, my fellow members, enjoy helping each other. I wondered why it leaves a good and positive feeling for me, but I thought I was the only one suffering from some bongo disease, at least now I understand it.
Wishing you all a fabulous day and may I add, I really dig it being here and amongst some really special people!
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I love Jerry & Esther Hicks! Especially Esther Hicks analogy of a G.P.S. (global positioning system. If we get off track, we have to be like a G.P.S. in a car and keep listening to the G.P.S. til we get back on track.
Our goals and dreams sometimes get sidetracked by many people outside of us.
The voice in our head is the real only struggle we have.
Everything outside of ourselves that is negative is an illusion. Unless we do harm to another or ourselves we are free to pursue our dreams.
WA is outstanding, it is an outstanding pipeline to connect you to success.
Joe, glad you figured out why you felt so good helping people! Glad it wasn't some Bongo disease! LOL That is a very good post and I am glad you posted Jerry and Ester Hicks' post. Very timely, as it can help others, especially those new here at WA.
I'd ask you how the weather was, but you would tell me and I would cry! You are so lucky to live in such a beautiful country! I will visit one day!
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Glad you are here!