Annoying Telemarketers

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Most everyone hates to get telemarketing calls, and they are never ending. They come at all hours and day in and day out! Telemarketers are most certainly a nuisance to society. They often call at inconvenient times and are often intrusive, making it difficult to enjoy peace and quiet. They also often use high pressure sales tactics that can be intimidating and overwhelming.

Jill was having a perfectly normal day. She had just finished lunch and was settling in to catch up on some work when the phone rang. She answered it, expecting it to be her client, but instead was greeted by a telemarketer. At first, she was polite, but after the sixth call in a row, she was getting annoyed. She tried to be firm and tell them to stop calling, but the calls kept coming. The calls seemed to be coming from the same place, and each time the caller had a different name. She began to dread the sound of the phone, and soon she was avoiding it altogether. Desperate, she called her phone provider to see what could be done. They informed her that there was not much they could do. They suggested that she register for the Do Not Call list, but even that did not seem to help. Finally, after weeks of sleepless nights, she decided to take matters into her own hands. She found the number of the telemarketer, and called them directly. She was polite, but firm, and informed them that if they called again she would be taking legal action. Amazingly, it worked. She hasn’t received a single call since. She sighs with relief every time the phone rings, knowing that it won’t be another telemarketer.

Telemarketers have a reputation for being intrusive and aggressive. As someone who has dealt with telemarketers for a long time and on a regular basis, they can be quite annoying. Unfortunately, this annoyance has a negative impact on our attitude and behavior. When we get a call from a telemarketer, we often find our self getting angry and impatient. We start to talk over them and become rude, using words like “no” or “stop” when trying to get them to stop talking. We also find ourselves getting frustrated and using disrespectful language, such as swearwords. This behavior leads to becoming a more rude and disrespectful person in general. We find ourselves talking over people or using disrespectful language in other situations. We also develop bad habits of interrupting other people when they’re talking.

One of the best way to deal with a telemarketer is to politely explain that you are not interested in the product or service they are offering. If they continue to call, you can ask to be put on their do not call list. If they still continue to call, you can contact your local consumer protection agency or file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission. However, none of that will work, I have tried, they will continue to call! Furthermore, they often call people who are on the Do Not Call list, which is a violation of the law. As a result, telemarketers can be quite a menace to society.

You would think, with all the technology we have, we could put a stop to telemarketing, but nothing will happen until our lawmakers put some teeth into putting an end to telemarketing!

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Recent Comments


My husband constantly gets calls from some company that asks for someone else. Even though he has told them several times they have the wrong number and to quit calling his number, they continue to do so. I heard him just the other day yelling at the phone that he had told them a million times this wasn't such-and-such's number.
I found it hilarious at the time!

Same thing happens to me!

Yes, this is annoying! It is a lot like having measles in this day and time. Surely there is a vaccination?

I am sorry that there is still a legitimate need for this kind of phone call. I too feel that I am being intruded on and wonder at the audacity of a person thinking I would be happy to talk to someone when I am in the middle of an important to me chore.
Thanks for the share,


Hey Jim, yes, they are very annoying. We used to be protected against that, but as with other things, we must shrug it off because nothing is the same anymore.

Have a great evening, Chet.

I simply hang up, Jim! They'll get the hint eventually!


I hang up, dont answer, do everything I can think of! 10 to 12 a day!

Thanks! ( I never expected this blog would upset anyone)!

I know what you mean, Jim! They can be very annoying, indeed!


Hi Jim,
Thanks for sharing your concern. This definitely a concern for every person with a telephone.

I get 12-15 calls daily from "unknown" or "spam" calls. They are identified on my caller ID. The vast majority come off giant sweeping caller devices. There are hundreds of thousands called in a single attempt.

My Caller ID helps a lot in being able to ignore them and let the ligament callers through.

We hope you can get a "caller ID" in your area.

Bill & Sue

Bill, I also get 10 to 12 spam calls a day! We do have caller ID but the telemarketers use local numbers and I am in business in this area so I must answer the local calls (it might be business)! I do not answer calls with numbers out of my area. Thanks, and hope you and Sue are enjoying Yuma and your health is good! PS I am following you and would appreciate a follow if you see fit! Thanks, Jim

Hi Jim,
It is harder to not answer all these annoying calls when you have a business.

Best wishes in getting rid of the trash.

I am following you also.

Have a great weekend.


Thank you so much, you have made my day!

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