Creating (HVCO) High-Value Content Offer

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What is a high-value content offer, and why is it essential for your marketing strategies. It is an offer that will suck thirsty buyers by providing free information in exchange for their contact information.

The whole objective of our pitch is to obtain the contact information. Very few ever buy anything on the first click with any product or service provided. Consumers are very cautious with so many scams going on and an increase in the marketplace, promoting the same product at different prices.

It draws leads, but it has to be a top-notch piece of information that will have a wow factor when your potential clients receive it. Meaning they will now consider reviewing your offer much more closely because they are impressed with your (HVCO).

You can not trick prospects and then send a crappy two-page piece of worthless information. It is more than likely something about your company's value and how long they have been in business, which means nothing to them whatsoever.

The whole objective is to impress your audience beyond expectations they may have had before receiving the information for providing their contact information and allowing you to send them more information. You are now creating your dream customer, someone who trusts you and is looking forward to receiving more information from you.

Three Rules for Creating the Correct HVCO

  1. It would be best if you had an attention-grabbing headline. Imperative that you spend a great deal of time with different headings until you have the correct one.
  2. When writing your HVCO, each issue touches on some burning desire they are looking to solve.
  3. Now you need to keep it as simple as possible.

Examples of HVCO Ideas you can create for your audience.

  • Could you provide them with free coupons?
  • Calenders
  • Infographic information or studies of interest
  • Swipe files
  • Videos
  • Podcast
  • E-Books
  • How to guides
  • Free Webinars to attend

You can use many different ideas for prospects to provide you with the contact information you need for the follow-up. Keep in mind when you have this vital information, they become your future customers. They become part of your growing list of prospects.


I hope this helps you achieve more prospects that will convert into more sales as your clients begin to trust you more and more with each email they get from you. What are your strategies for getting contact information? Feel free to share with our community.

All the Best,

Joseph Botelho

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Recent Comments


Hi Jessie,

Thank you for the kind words; if it helps just one person increase their conversion rate, that makes me feel good. Most people worry about traffic, Yes, I agree we all need traffic, but stats do not lie.

How many know their closing ratio or the cost of each person that clicks on their offer. But when you capture the information of someone who just opted into your funnel, you have countless opportunities to sell him quality products down the road.

They become your customers. What makes sense a shot deal where you would make, say, $100.00 one-time commission or someone who buys products from you for life?


This list is a welcome addition to other information that I have gleaned and bookmarked relating to CTA's and high value content!

We can never have too much information when we are putting these together.

My sites will be geared towards promoting my own physical businesses and products, but these tips should still come in handy!

Enjoy your new week!


Hi Jeffrey,

Glad you also see the benefits behind an HVCO; when promoted correctly, the results will speak for themselves with substantial service to your clients.

A good friend of mine uses this so effectively with her real estate business, providing her clients information from the best available mortgage to price history with homes in her surrounded area.

She has not prospected in years; her clients come to her because she keeps her clients updated weekly with information on real estate.

It takes time to create a good list of prospects that will soon become a paying customer that will repeat their purchase with you.

It is something that I will definitely incorporate on my Google Business site when I get it fully operational, Joseph!


You will get it done; one day at a time is all we can do, buddy. Enjoy your day.

Thanks, Joseph! That is how I roll!


Thanks for the great suggestions. The challenge is to develop a vehicle to imaginatively make the offers.

Your welcome, glad it provided you with some ideas you can use.

Such good ideas, Joe is creating waves and creating havoc on the poverty monster.

Now onto using swipe files and infographics- modern business is here guys.

more steps to affiliate marketing mastery - To Success 😎🙏

Thanks, Chris; it works when done correctly. The whole objective is to get their contact information; buyers take their time before buying anything.

Hi Joseph!
Great post!
Thank you!

Thank You, Irene. Thank you for your reply, and I hope you see a benefit with (HVCO) that will increase your conversion rate. Making money online is not easy, and you do not also want to make money once from that client; you want them to become repeat buyers.

Once they are on your list, they become your customers.

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