Winter Weather Wealthy Affiliate Wednesday! Hump Day in the Arctic!

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Hello everyone here in Wealthy Affiliate!

I learned a sad truth when I was with Monica during her morning knee therapy when her trainer mentioned that Saturday night here would be around -30*F (wind chill factor included, of course!)

The high for the day would be a whopping 2*F!

I started working early within the Wealthy Affiliate Community, but got a little sidetracked assisting Monica with some morning chores before we went to her 8:00 am therapy session.

This is how the road and day looked on the drive over there!

I also had to go to the frigid eBay house to pack an eBay order, and from there, on over to the Juvenile Detention Center where I had to replace an office door lock!

Finally after all that was completed, I was able to get a little more work done in Wealthy Affiliate!

Tig-Tig was helping until she got more interested in cleaning the juice from the noodle of my lunch, and there went any help she had been giving!

The Blog Dogs were lounging in the living room with Monica! (she would be leaving for work at 1:30).

They are usually a hoot, but this time they seemed to be napping, probably having just finished a jaunt into the snowy back yard!

I also had another task I had to take care of, and that was going over to the 15th Street locksmith shop house to thaw some frozen pipes!

Unbeknownst to me, the thermostat on the furnace had not been working, but I am pretty sure that I have everything corrected now!

I've been driving the 1996 Jeep Cherokee in the frigid weather, and I am pleased so far with how it is driving.

Apparently so is the errant 'friend' in the title image! I wonder where he came from!

When all was said and done, I finally got back to the house and settled down at the computer in earnest around 5:00 pm.

I read some more Wealthy Affiliate blog posts, and did a little more research on one of my recent projects, but I also felt a little sleepy too!

I will try to fight that off until Monica gets off work and then I will retire to bed when she does! It is not like I don't have anything to do! Wealthy Affiliate keeps me busy enough when all my other work activities are through for the day!


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Recent Comments


I'm so jealous, Jeffery!
Just when I think there is some block time to work on writing...
Bam! Texas Bi-Polar weather.
No water since Tuesday and Hump-Day?...Shop-Vac to soak up the kitchen flood. 25 degrees down here is just as bad as 0 degrees.
Tonight's break will be Friday with Jay!
Good to see you as always!!

I heard y'all got it bad, Barb! We are just getting out of our deep freeze too!

Take care and be safe!


Hey Jeff, I love your new Hump day helper in the first photo! How does he get on with the rest of crew? And where does he sleep?🐫🐫

It doesn't appear that the weather will be any kinder over the weekend for you, those temperatures are brutal!

Great to hear you are keeping your productivity levels up.

Have a fabulously freezing Frisatsu eve my friend!

Ha ha, Nick! I allow him to sleep at the 15th Street locksmith shop as long as he keeps things clean!

Unfortunately, you are right, we will be having a FROZEN Frisatsu this go around!🥶🥶🥶

I'm sure he's a very clean camel Jeff! What is his name?

Wrap up warm if you decide to visit Cracker Barrel my friend!

He seems to be--I'll call him Cam, Nick! I think that is pretty original! Unfortunately, no Cracker Barrel today! 🥶

I hope you had a wonderful Hump day!


Glad to hear that Jeff, there's nothing worse than a camel that doesn't clean up after himself!

Cam sounds good, maybe Cammy the camel or Humphrey ( it's difficult to see how many humps he has from the photo) could be considered too!!

I'm sure that you will get to have another fantastic salad at Cracker Barrel soon my Friend!

Ha ha--I like Humphrey! He has TWO humps, Nick!


Just the two humps Jeff, so he's not the legendary three humped camel name Humphrey!!


I guess not, Nick! I will be on the lookout for Humphrey! 👀



Oh Humphrey!!! Where Are you?

when I read that you've been driving the 1996 Jeep Cherokee in the frigid weather and that you are pleased so far with how it is.

I wondered how it would be on me driving through the frigid weather.

You know, coming from Africa, all your problems would be the hotness of the sun and not snow.

Great post sir and thanks for sharing.

Ha ha, God Strong--not sure how it would do in the hot sun! It had overheating issues last summer!


Jeff, wow, you're an amazing photographer. Your last photo with your Blog Dogs and Tig-Tig, is fantastic. These pictures must have gone viral, especially the last photo with your special squad. As for the weather, it has been snowy since last week. We have had a full week snowstorm with a chilling temperature of -25*F.
I pray for everyone's safety!
Keep up the wonderful work!

Oh wow, Sarah--you are experiencing worse weather than I am! We will have minus 30 this weekend!🙏🙏 that you keep safe too!


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